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7. Sound support

The Evo N400c uses an ESS Technology ES1988 Allegro-1 chipset. Linux has a native driver for the chipset included in the new OSS. This can be found in later 2.2.x kernels and the new 2.4.x series.

7.1. Basic Sound support

Sound is included in the default Openlinux kernel (2.4.13) like a module. I only have to active the module. From KDE go to Kmenu -> Preferences -> System -> Startup -> Kernel Modules -> Sound -> Maestro3 Active the module at boot by activating "Load on Boot" on the Status box.

7.2. Testing Sound

Get a copy of the aumix package (CD 1 of Col 3.1.1) and install it. It allows you to set the sound levels for the various sound sources. It seems that the sound system defaults volume is too low, and because I do not understand very well the mixer of KDE I used aumix to turn up the volume! Try typing this: aumix -v 50 -s 100 -w 100 -p 50 -m 50

Download the sox program from CD 1 of Col 3.1.1). It allows playing sound files from the command line with the play command. To test the sound driver, try this:

play /dosc/windows/media/chord.wav > /dev/dsp

This should play a sound through the system speaker if you mounted your DOS C-drive as "/dosc".

If you have a MIDI file, such as the ``canyon.mid'' demonstration included with most Windows distributions, try playing it using playmidi (or, under X, xplaymidi).

The Evo N400c have a microphone jack is mono only, but the headphone jack is stereo for output. Note that the system has an internal microphone (it's at the base of the right LCD panel hinge above the Windows keys). This operates at full-duplex with sound output, so you can get some nice feedback by having the volume wheel turned up too high!

7.3. Fun with Sound

Next, you could create an rc script to set the levels of sound. You can also have some fun by adding some startup and shutdown sounds.

First, save this script as /etc/init.d/sound.

Make the script executable by typing "chmod +x /etc/rc2.d/sound".

Next, copy your favorite .wav files to /etc/hello.wav and /etc/goodbye.wav.

Finally, make links to the script from the /etc/rc2.d, /etc/rc6.d, and /etc/rc0.d directories. Type "ln -s /etc/init.d/sound /etc/rc2.d/S99sound", "ln -s /etc/init.d/sound /etc/rc6.d/K01sound" and "ln -s /etc/init.d/sound /etc/rc0.d/K01sound".

Another option is to add the following line to /etc/rc.d/rc.local: "/etc/rc.d/initd./sound",

Now, whenever you start your system it will set the proper levels of sound, and play /etc/hello.wav. When you shut down or reboot your system, it will play /etc/goodbye.wav!

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