How to search effectively for information about Scientology

Scientology, being a closed, information stifling cult, has long held a fair amount of animosity for the internet. However, each time they make some ploy to control anyone who disagrees with them, they make themselves more and more obvious.

Their current mechanism to stop anyone from finding honest information on the net about scientology is to distribute a template to any scientologist who wants to put information about themselves onto the Net. The assumed purpose is to flood the search engines with garbage.

However, this plan has one somewhat amusing flaw. Because each member of the 'church' of scientology is using an almost identical template, it is quite easy to exclude certain key phrases from your search.

For instance, try a search like these:

* Yes, I realise the irony in the fact that these searches will now not return you this page either :)

In an effort to spam the internet in different ways, there are hundreds of seemingly independant sites which are all scientology fronts. Try adding the following to any search that you make...

How can you find out if a site is a front? On a Unix machine, you should be able to type this:

whois domain.type

and look at the output. For example:

Foundation For Religious Tolerance (RELIGIOUSTOLERANCE3-DOM)
   1334 L. Ron Hubbard Way
   Los Angeles, CA 90027