
Tyler is exceedingly involved in most activities of the Primogen. She is passionate and inspired about everything. Tyler controls all air traffic in and out of Melbourne
Image: Dressing simply in jeans and a blouse, Tyler is sometimes overlooked until she starts to talk. She is short and slender, with long black hair caught back in ponytail.

The Doctor is the other Brujah Primogen. His domain includes all the major Universities, and he spends a considerable amount of time at Melbourne University - he has even been known to teach the occasional course.
Image: An elderly looking gentleman, a little on the plump side, no more than 5 feet tall. He is mostly bald, with a little white hair around the edges and a thick white beard.

Saint is a remnant of the Kerouac generation. He runs a coffee house called the Blue Moon in North Melbourne, a known hangout of various Kindred as well as the underground beatnik movement.
Image: Tall, skinny with black hair and a trimmed goatee. Often dresses in black turtleneck and tight black pants. Always hip, he snaps his fingers a lot and makes wide sweeping jestures.

He hath a lean and hungry look. Kestrel is not well known, but Brendan was referred to him in order to trace a phone number to an address, so it could be inferred that he is interested in the telecommunications industry... Kestrel is fairly short, with dark hair and eyes, dressing plainly in black.

Balthazar (Sheriff)
The Prince's lackey, Balthazar has rebelled against the rebellers. It is rumoured that he somehow betrayed Modius, who would happily have his head on a spike. Sheriff, as the anarchs call him, is loud, pushy and arrogant.
Image: Almost constantly scowling, Sheriff wears a stetson and western boot and chews tobacco. He drawls in a thick Southern accent.