Sept of Bounteous Plenty

The Caern

Location: Queen Victoria Market(Melways 44J1, 2DG2)
Level: 3
Gauntlet: 3
Type: Plenty
Tribal Structure: Bonegnawer dominated, Glasswalkers that are interested in biz, Blackfuries and their kinfolk.
Totems:Melbourne City Father

Geography Bawn

The Centre




The Sept

Market Forces
Pack Leader: Kelly Roots-in-Garbage
Domain: Heavy-physical missions for the Sept
Members: Linda No-Truck-with-the-Wyrm, Gav Best-Pack-is-Six, Katarina Crowd-Surfer, Corners-tightly
Notes: Enforcer pack for the sept.
Pack Leader:


Khai Tiong, Homid Galliard Bonegnawer, Rank 4
Bryn Lara Allen, Homid Ahroun Glasswalker, Rank 3
Olivia Milosov, Homid Ragabash Blackfury, Rank 4
Zoe , Homid Theuge Blackfury, Rank 3
Guy Tonkin, Metis Galliard Glass Walker, Rank 3
Voula Kostikidas, Metis Theurge Blackfury, Rank 2
Walks-in-Dreams-Alone, (Andrena Truenkides), Lupus Galliard Blackfury, Rank 3
"Walks in Dreams Alone" is the most balanced mamber of her pack (Surfs the Crimson Wave). She fights again male injustice, not male-heirarchy (alpha should be male, etc.) Direct. To the point. Very lupus.
Scratches-at-Fleas, (Sam Flynn), Lupus Ahroun Bonegnawer, Rank 4
Although a lupus, Scratches-at-Fleas has a good intellectual grasp of the city within it. He is a protector of the abused and helpless. Sam has recently established a hostel for homeless kids (with the help of Bone Gnawer Kinfolk) in Collingwood.
Gavin Six-is-the-Best-Pack, Homid Galliard Bonegnawer, Rank 2
Kelly Roots-in-Garbage, Homid Philodox Bonegnawer, Rank 2
Linda No-Truck-with-the-Wyrm, Homid Ahroun Bonegnawer, Rank 2
Katarina Crowd-Surfer, Metis Theurge Blackfury, Rank 2
Corners-Tightly, Lupus Ahroun Bonegnawer, Rank 2

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