"The Jolly Roger
(or, Have Parrot, Will Pillage)".

by Rob Shankly and Damien Moore

A double session scenario using the Pirate-dragon system.

Arrr, 'tis well known that sea be the meetin' place o' all the world's sailors; where sail fat galleons wi' rich cargoes o' silk, spices, slaves and gold! Gold me hearties! Gold t' make a man rich! Gold looted from the tombs o' cruel Aztec Princes! Gold set for far Cartehegna, there t' adorn the swellin' bosums of dusky Spanish maidens, and t' make the finger-rings o' foppish grandees!

Arrr, but we be a swarthy crew, as ready f'r a glory'd sunset painting a canvas of t'ousand colours in the balmy tropic evening, as f'r the thunder of cannons and scream of hot metal as titanic vessels clash on the azure sea. Arrr, right am I, curs'm for being the slimy kelp of the Sargasso, eh boys? Arrrr, and the Jack-o-Lantern be a fine stout ship, w' a rakish bow an' fearsome guns: we'll lay alongside 'em boys, firin' broadside after broadside, 'til they strike, damn-ee, strike! Then we'll aboard, w' slashin' cutlass an' devlish quick rapier, an' seize the gold! Gold boys, mountains o' gold!

Then we'll away, t' secret pirate isle, an' there we'll toast Jack Morgan w' rum, and sing o' Blackbeard, while the crescent moon shines reflec'd in the limpid waters o' the lagoon, d'y'hear me boys? Arrr, the limpid waters o' the lagoon!

A Piratedragon Adventure for four scurvy sea dogs, the foulest blackguards t' ever rove the Seven Seas.

Featuring: A payship, lost at sea. An exciting chase. Inattentive sentries. A suspicious Frenchie w' lace ruff an' snuffbox, wearing a rapier o' Toledo steel an' a bucket o' cologne. A berserk bearded ruffian, spawn o' the blackest hell in Port-au-Spain, hair alight w' flamin' fire-crackers. Moonlight glinting off steel. A cross-dressing bosun. An albatross. A silk-clad harem. A heaving, perfumed bosum. A boudoir of satin sheets and a delicate scent of cinnamon . . . Ahem.

A hidden reef, amongst forbidden isles. A breached hull. Ravening sharks!

A captured shipmate. A cunning plan. Swinging rigging. Smell of powder.

Fat Spanish galleons, near swamped with Incan gold!

All beneath that thrice-cursed devil banner...

The Jolly Roger.

A two session story for 4 pirates ready for astounding adventures in the Carribean

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It has a sequel you know.