Kreig Only - Do not read otherwise

Tuesday 2 May, 2000

Kreig creeps forward until he is snugly within the ti tree. He's peering forward with his senses open for the concussive thrust from Polly when he hears footsteps behind him. He spins about and sees Annabell, the girl who inspired his killing frenzy in Adelaide. She is clearly dead - grey skin with shredded flaps hanging off her body, clothes smelling of dead things. She looks him in the eyes and says "You killed me. I hate you, you monster - you should never have been born! You're unnatural, uncontrolled, a danger to all those about you." Others from the class that Kreig slaughtered start to appear through the trees, muttering the same things. Kreig looks more and more panicked and is backing away from the slowly encroaching zombie-like humans when they all turn to look towards where Polly is -

Interlude, June 2000 - August 2001

Krieg takes a few weeks to realise that the wound in his side is just not going to heal. Even Mother's Touch doesn't seem to close it up. He asks around for help, and eventually people point him towards Antoinette Cloak-of-Mourning.

After talking for a time with Antoinette, Krieg heads out into the Umbra, looking for Unicorn. Antoinette suggests looking in the most Wyld places, preferably forests and such. Krieg hunts for days, occasionally seeing hints that he is on the right path. The trail leads him into still and quiet places, centres of calm and beauty. Krieg finds that his spirit starts to reflect these places, and that his rage seeps away.

It is only when he reaches a still point that Krieg finally is able to approach Unicorn, a startlingly large presence in the Umbra. Unicorn waits for him next to a still and deep pool. Krieg approaches in lupus form and sits. He asks Unicorn for her help and explains the problem. Unicorn tells him that the wound feeds from his own inner Rage, the poison from the knife renewing itself from that source of energy. She offers to heal the wound, but says that there will be a dual price - the wound must be exercised along with some of his Rage, before the infection spreads, and Krieg must, in return for her help, act more to help others heal their own wounds.

Krieg agrees and Unicorn bids him drink from the pool. The water is cool and refreshing, very pure for a still pool. Krieg can feel the water spreading through him, growing cooler and cooler, until it feels as if the area around his wound is burning with the cold. It weeps black pus profusely and then slowly starts to heal. The cold senstation spreads out to Krieg's extremities and then fades. When he looks up, Unicorn is gone, and he is alone in the forest.

Late in the year, Ends-the-Quiet approaches Krieg and talks to him about his part in the events of Sydney, and in the time leading up to Sydney. They talk about Krieg's aims in life and how he intends to fulfil them. At the end of this long discussion, Ends-the-Quiet offers to teach Krieg of kailindo, a Garou martial art and philosophy of control of rage. Krieg accepts, and he spends considerable amounts of the next six months learning the tenets of kailindo. He learns from Ends-the-Quiet primarily, but also from other Garou, including philosophy from Aquinas and mastery of his Rage from another Stargazer, called Quiet-of-Falling-Snow.

Tuesday 16th October, 2001

Krieg glances into the reflections, and finds that they are depicting things that have happened to him in his life - the most significant images are from the time he Frenzied in the dojo, but the others also show times when he has let anger get the better of himself. He manages to tear his eyes away from the images.

Tuesday 26th February, 2002

Krieg is walking across the Umbral caern when he sees the Hellhounds doing some sort of training. Amy also spies him and heads to intersect with him. She asks if there have been any repercussions after last night's Moot and Kreig shrugs. Amy points out that if the things that had gone on last night had gone on at home, there'd be a few less Garou around the Sept today. Although its always good to make sure that there are more Garou, the pack do, after all, have to interact with other packs, Septs and Tribes, and perhaps a more appropriate pack leader could be found. Its not her place, of course, to tell them what to do, but possibly there's someone who could step up to the plate? Not that she'd be looking at Krieg. He gives her a wary look and says that the pack will take care of their own business.