Mathias only - do not read otherwise.

August 11

Stopping in Moodanah over night, Mathias is the first upstairs to drop his stuff. He reaches into his pockets for something, and pulls out several large clumps of dead Wyrm bugs, the same ones that made the nexus crawler. He stares at them for a few moments, trying to work out how they got there. Behind him comes the sound of tramping feet up the stairs, so he opens a window and piffs them out.


Falling, constantly falling. You land, and every single wound burns with such an intensity that you feel like you are being consumed by fire. Silver seeps its way through your body, burning as it goes, burning toxins, burning old scars caused by the wyrm, burning, burning, burning the artificial fibres from your dedicated clothes, burning the pollution from your lungs, burning your hands where you have so often spilt the blood of the wyrm.

Your body is subsumed by the liquid, consumed and controlled. It courses back and forth burning as it travels in waves through every part of your body. You thrash uncontrollably and yell when you can get breath, but no one answers.

The pain becomes .. not ignorable, but not the overwhelming flood of whiteness. You can sense graduations in the silver as it moves in your flesh. And it seems to be amasing, building to a peak even as it spreads evenly through every vein, every bone.... and then it comes.

Your mind is assaulted. The silver light brightens and it is like a ray of light cutting through your defenses, through the threads of who you are. As much as you resist, it just causes more pain. The light brightens and grows more intense as you resist it. Even if unwillingly to resist, every instinct seems to bend itself to not wanting to capitulate to what can only be unimaginable pain.

Even as you throw everything into that barrier, it cracks. The cracks widen and pain leaks through the gaps. Suddenly everything gives way at once and your sense of who you are is washed away in a flood of silvery light. There is only pain, and still images washes along in a cascade of pain.

Washed close to one of the stills. It comes to life and events play out, etched in silver around the edges of each object. *discontinuity* You are Mathias, talking to someone whose name you don't even remember, about 15 years old. You utter cruel words, unnecessary words, words to wound only, in brief flare of temper and the pain intensifies and the world becomes as silver.

Every thought. Every deed. Every emotion. All are shown, illuminated by the uncaring, relentless silver light, casting its clarity across every event, showing it in the worst possible way, flaring pain, again and again. Anger, suspicion, pride, pettiness, arrogance, unfairness. When you hurt another. When you take from another for yourself. When you refuse to help because it would be inconvient. Envy, lust, selfcentredness, cowardliness, hostility. Taking from others because they have and you do not. When you satisfy your own desires where you should not. When you deny fallibility and clutch at pride.

The silver invades each still, brilliant around the edges, dragging each event across the bare nerves. You cannot look away, there is no one to argue with, there is no one to justify to. A string of perfectly preserved moments, uninvaded by the silver, trail behind you. Moments of peace and of love and of kindness. But the pain and the light will not let you retreat to those moments, it pushes you further into the unending litany of wrongs.

Erebus 2

        This young man seems to radiant an aura of pride, almost bordering
        on arrogance. Though his voice and manner are oftimes friendly,
        his pale grey eyes can often be seen regarding another with
        scorn or an appraising glance. Dark hair is cut short and neat,
        his jaw almost angular enough to be called square. Standing
        just under 6" tall, his frame obviously that of someone who is
        concerned enough to keep himself fit.
        A dark suit of not inconsiderable quality covers his frame. The
        jacket and pants black and unwrinkled, the shirt white as if
        freshly washed and pressed. Dark shoes, recently polished,
        adorn his feet.
Eccles wiggles his fingers. Stupid RSI. "Ok... the silverpain finally
finishes ransacking through your memories and highlighting the dark side
of them all... the last scene is you fighting the large black crinos....
Eccles says "You sense that the silverpain has not ceased, but that it is
building... but there is a sense of uncertainty lurking there... enough
strength builds to easily destroy you, yet still the hammer doesn't
fall... a mind touches yours, still writhing in the grip of the eternal
Voice says "Why do you not let it go?"
Mathias gasps, metally as much as physically. Pain still blinding but
words forming in his mind though his mouth remains locked open in a
scream. [[It is me. No redemtion in surrender.]]
Voice is still puzzled. "You stand on a knife's edge.... we are unsure
whether you can be redeemed...
Voice says "Such a depth of potential, it would be so easy for you to
fall... or not to fall..."
Hesitation. So many memories paraded before him. The same question in
his own mind. [[Cannot know. Only change.]]
Voice fades.
The silverpain changes in timbre. The Voice returns, with a greater sense
of presence. "A chance then. Exist or be destroyed by your own choices."
A solid flash of light, rampaging through every sense you have.
Mathias winces mentally and to tattered remains of his soul as the voice
returns. [[Yes.]]
You surface from within yourself, broaching the surface of consciousness
as if it was the top of the ocean. Sitting up, everything spins, your
stomach convulses and you dry retch.
The pain is... deferred. Not gone, but deep within you, leaving only a
memory of the agony. You can sense the thin, thin layer seperating you
from it, and how easy it would be to breach...
For a few moments, it is all you can do to drag in air into lungs,
to hear without the constant screaming...
Mathias coughs and gasps, for air, for any other sensation. A shuddering
crouched ball of pain, existence in whatever form slowly encroaches on
his awareness. The layer touched, recoiled from. Eyes blinking, a deep
breath. Slowly looking around the new surroundings.
The room spins. There is something fundamentally wrong, and you are
having trouble focussing your thoughts. The air is fresh, but laced
with scents of wrongness. With the bitterness of vomit, and the iron
sharpness of blood.
You are damp, but the surface is soft. It is a few moments before the
word comes to mind. "Bed" You are in a bed. The covers have fallen back
and all around you is a reddish brown stain...
Confusion. Doubts. Even fear. Mathias tries to right himself, struggle
with any and all perception. A mental gag at the scent before he
forces himself to breathe deeply again. "Where is this? What.." Shock
at the sound of his voice suddenly replaced by horror at his immediate
surroundings. He tries to scramble from the bed, looking around wildly.
Your voice is wrong, thin and scratchy, with a burning throat. Your foot
hits something on the ground and it spins away. A large glass bottle,
leaking clear fluid as it rolls away. You get to your feet, but the room
spins and you are forced to your knees. Vomit falls from your shirt and
onto the floor. The carpet is worn.
Mathias staggers, still trying to get his bearings, blinking, coughing. He
gags again, eyes seeing the bottle not daring to reach for it. "Where
am I?" Rasping voice, shuddering, trying to remember.
Looking down, your hands seem too small, not covered in the nicks and
scars that come from many years as a Garou. Angry red welts run from
your wrist into the sleeve of your shirt...
Mathias feels the crawling sensation of fear climb his spine again. He
swallows drily, turning hands over slowly, pulling up the sleeves of
his shirt to follow the welts. "Mirror. There has to be a mirror here
Long red lines extend from the base of your palm all the way around
to the elbow. At the centre the skin is broken... Sitting back on your
feet, you are too close to the ground. Looking down, you are... probably
female... the nightgown you are wearing is soaked in blood around the
bottom and vomit from the neck down the front. Glancing around the room
sends everything spinning again... a few moments of careful movement
takes the small room in.

Mystery bedroom
A small, crowded bedroom. A few cutout pictures decorate the obviously
wobbly wardrobe and desk. There is room for a single bed and a sneeze. The
blankets are worn and the carpet is thin.

Mathias recoils in shock, staggering back against the bed. "What's going
on." Swallowing almost causes him to gag again. "This is wrong." He/she
tries to steady himself again. "Have to find out where I am. What
You'd guess that this body is younger than 15. You knock the small dresser
next to the bed and a pill bottle and a desk lamp joins the rest of the
debris on the floor. Light, brighter than the silvery glow than you have
become accustomed to, streams in from the window.
Mathias shudders again. The light. Silver light, no. Brighter. A
ragged breath. Pill bottle? He/she shakes her head. No, can't be
right. Blood? Mine? She moves towards the window. Must be something
out there. Reaching for the garou nature within, some form of strength,
afraid of not finding it.
You sense that you still know how to change form, but until you try,
you are unsure whether this body can manage to shift.
As you stagger towards the window, you can see that you are some distance
over the ground, but you will need to look out to see more.
Mathias shakes his head. Not yet. Not here. Need to know where first. What
happened. The light. Has to be answers out the window. Swallowing she
moves to the window and looks out cautiously.
Kneeling on the bed causes the blankets to ooze uncomfortably, a curious
sensation on your skin. The window is small and does not look out on
anything particularly picturesque - however, it does reveal a familiar
landscape. A city that is probably in Australia, judging from the
signs you can barely make out.... Sydney? Yes, you can see the harbour
stretching back and away from the shore.
Mathias shakes her head. Sydney? No. Can't be right. She shudders
again, scrambling off the bed. Where's the door? Can't change
here. Clothing? Another head shake. Peek? Yes. Find something familiar,
look into the umbra.
The door beckons, but suddenly seems so far away. Peeking comes easily,
as easily as it normally would in a city in any case. The Umbral room
is much the same as this room, but with only a bed as furniture. Shabby,
dusty, wallpaper peeling off the walls... in short, much like this room
before someone has made some effort to brighten it up.
There is a pounding at the door. "Veronica! You'd better be
awake..." shrieks a female voice, fading off towards the end of the
What? Who was that? Eyes snap back into the real world, dragging
a headache with them. Veronica? She looks down at herself. Me? Oh
hell. Can't be seen like this. Answer? "Y..yes.." Answer given weakly,
uncertainly. Clothing. Need clothing.
The cupboard door sits ajar...
Mathias stumbles towards the cupboard. Legs too short. Deep breathes,
concentrate. Opening the cupboard. What the hell do I wear?
The room is still a bit wavery and your stomach clenches at each sudden
movement. The cupboard is not very full. A pair of school dresses,
a pair of jeans, a few simple other clothes.
Mathias shudders involuntarily. Dresses? No. Jeans.. ok. Clothing
grabbed, desperate to stay upright. What happened? Question screaming
in her skull. Concentrate. Focus on one thing at a time. Get dressed
first. Can't believe this is happening.
Stripping off your sodden nightgown, you can see that the angry red
marks are fading. Now they seem like scratches rather than bruised
welts. Getting dressed is a slow process.... "Veronica!" yells the voice
from somewhere within the house.
Mathias tries to focus on dressing. Healing. At least that's one
thing. One small familiarity. Sudden recoil again at the yell. How can
I do this. Have to get out. Find someone. Caustious steps taken towards
the door, reaching for the handle. So much easier to step.. no. The
woman might not know. Get away first.
The handle turns easily, and peeking around the corner shows a corridor
leading to what seems to be an external door. However, you can see
light, and hear noises of a few people coming from an archway leading
off the corridor.
- between you and the external door.
Mathias makes the first few steps slowly, cautiously. She shakes and
hesitates. Say something. "G..going out." Move. Quickly now, get out.
As you start to weave towards the door, someone comes out of the archway,
and looks you way. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" The woman
in front of you wears a frown, and it looks like it has spent some time
on her face. "You've got 15 minutes to get ready and go to school, and
you have to drop Adrian off on the way. Why on earth are you dressed
like that?!"
She strides towards you and turns you around by the shoulders...
Mathias barely has a chance to struggle against the hands that
grip her. School? Adrian? "I.. It's casual dress day. I have to
go. I'm.. running later." She struggles, trying to escape the grip. Get
out. Any way possible.
The woman frowns. "I don't remember that... if I find you've been
skipping school, there will be hell to pay. And you're not running late,
so don't try and get out of taking your brother to school. Its not like
I have time." The woman relents, letting go of your shoulders. You catch
a whiff of her breath, laced with the sharp smell of alcohol. "Have
some breakfast, you look awful." She stomps back to archway and starts
grabbing up a bag, keys...
Mathias step back quickly as she is released. "I won't." Food? Maybe
thats why my stomach feels that way. "Ok. Adrain.. right." She steps
back furhter, looking around. Kitchen? Where's that? Should just run.
There are kitchen sounds coming from the archway, the clink of spoon on
bowl, probably.
The woman stands between you and the external door, but she is obviously
trying to get ready to go. She seems about to leave and walks back into
the kitchen archwya...
Mathias beats a strategic retreat. The woman is going.. no he's
not. What now? Run. No. What about hi girl's life. Have to stop. Others
invovled. Reluctantly she moves towards the kitchen, eyes searching out
some clue as to where, even when this is.
As you slip in the kitchen door, the woman scrambles out, towing a young
boy who is trying to eat toast. "I'm off, behave yourselves" she calls
back over her shoulder and goes out the door. The kitchen is small too,
with only room for a small circular table and a couple of chairs. Another
young boy sits at the table, glancing up when he sees you, then quickly
glancing down. He is maybe 10? You're unsure....
You say "Umm. Hi. You ready?" Food. Take the food as well. She reaches
for whatever is nearest. What the hell do I say. Where are we even
going. She looks back at the kid. "Come on. We'll be late."
Adrian says quietly "Nearly. We've got a few minutes." He jumps as the
front door slams shut.
Mathias shakes her head quickly. "No. We don't. I'm late. I
have.. have to be in early. Come on." Have to get out of here. Find the
others.. somhow. The link! Can they hear? [[Domonique?]]
Adrian says "Sorry!" quickly. Too quickly. He slips out and tries not
to brush you as he runs up the hallway."
There is no sense of any of the others... but that would follow if this
is indeed Sydney
Nothing. Too far away maybe. Wait. What's wrong with this kid? Mathias
turns her attention back to him, following quickly. "Adrian?"
Footsteps stop. "What?!"
Mathias looks closely at the child. Anything? Marks? Fear?
You step around the corner and see that he's stopped dead. Perhaps
fear. Hurt?
Mathias frowns slightly. "What's wrong?" Why am I evn asking. I should
be getting out. No. Break the cycle. "What is it?" repeated more quietly.
Adrian says "Nothing! Why, did I do something wrong?""
Mathias shakes her head. "No. Nothing. Come on, let's go." She moves
towards the kid, towards the door.

Erebus 3

Adrian runs up to his room and comes back with a random schoolbag. You
have time to grab a mouthful of a piece of toast and a drink of
orangejuice. It only leaves you starving for more...
Mathias looks quickly around. A table beside the door perhaps? Some
change even? Food can be bought later. She watches Adrian come down the
stairs and moves towards the door, opening it.
A couple of 2 dollar coins sit in the table, probably lunch money of
some sort.
Adrian slows as you head for the door and says a bit puzzledly "Ronnie,
not taking a bag?
Mathias looks around a little confusedly. "What. Oh, yes. Umm, go on out
I'll be there in a minute." She holds the open expectantly, encouraging
Adrian outside, before moving toward 'her bedroom'.
Adrian ducks through quickly and down some steps outside. He is looking
around and doesn't immediately notice that you don't quickly follow.
Mathias prepares herself to enter the bedroom again, holding her breath
then ducking in to scan for a bag. The plan: grab bag, kitchen for
anything food like that can be stuffed in it, then a hadnful of change
on the way out. Some habbits are made in a lifetime, even if this one
seems a lot shorter.
It takes you a few seconds to find a school bag, stuffed under the
bed. The room is close and the smell of vomit and blood is strong even as
you hold your breath. As you go to leave, you spot a set of keys on the
bedside dresser too. You can grab some food that's on the table. Bread,
toast, a piece of fruit.
Keys, food, money, a bag. The necessities of life. Mathias tries to
escape the house as quickly as possible after that, shutting the front
door behind her. Hopefully the keys match that door if she ever has to
come back... she may ave to, can't leave that room like that. Moving
alongside Adrian, she urges him out and away from the house, letting
him take the lead toward wherever he needs to go.
Adrian drags his feet and dawdles along, not exactly the most efficient
of guides, but not unexpectedly for a kid goign to primary school. You
can slow down at corners and wait for him to pick the direction and not
look too much like you're lost.
Adrian seems to be looking at you whenever you turn around and looks
away suddenly.
Mathias moves with a purpose along the straight paths and makes a show of
impatient at the corners. A couple of streets before the watching eyes
become too much. "What? What is it?" Perhaps a touch of desperation in
an already strained voice.
Adrian jumps at the sound of your voice. "Nothing! Sorry... "
He starts walking quicker and taking a slight lead. He seems to be
zigzagging through tight streets, an old neighbourhood and not a rich
one either. Many of the houses are broken down, and there is some sign
that they have been damaged and not properly repaired
Mathias frowns in frustration, following after Adrian again. What does
he know? Did he see something? Hear something? What can he/she do about
it. He's a kid. He wouldn't understand even if he did know. Get him to
school, need time to think. She just watches Adrian, following the rest
of the way.
Adrian walks along for a while at the faster speed, then starts to slowly
dawdle again. He turns a corner and takes a few steps along and then
turns arond and looks at you. This is repeated and then he says "Ron,
are you coming to school with me all the way?" There's no mistaking the
glint of hope in his eye...
Mathias hesitates again. This was unexpected. "Uh, yes. Your mother
wanted to make sure you were going." Almost a feasible excuse. "Come on. I
don't want to be late because of it." Steps taken towards Adrian again,
actions trying to urge him onwards. It might be usuful to know where he
goes to school, just in case.
Adrian picks up the pace a little, and is perhaps a bit more
confidant. "Ronnie?"
Ronnie? That's his/her name. Answer. "Uh. What?"
Adrian says "Are you still mad?"
Mathias blinks. "What?" Mad? What's he talking about? Play along, for now.
Adrian says "I really didn't read your diary. I wasn't in your room at
all. " More tentative now, looking for signs of a returning anger in
your face..."
Mathias stops suddenly. "Diary?" She shakes her head quickly. Of
course. A diary. Maybe that'll have something in it. Shaking her head
again. "Yes. Well.. just don't do it again.. and.. and.. stay out of my
room." A breathe. Remember to breath. "Come on. You're goin gto be late."
Adrian says "I didn't go in there, really. I know it would make you mad."
Adrian stops, all big blue eyes.
Mathias looks at Adrian closely. He saw something. This morning? Another
day? "Yes. Yes it would make me mad." She lets her shoulders slump
a little. "Look. I'm not feeling well. Don't tell your mother
though. Its.. its girl stuff alright."
Adrian says "Oh. Ok." He looks a bit unsure, but seems to accept it,
and starts walking again."
Mathias lets the breath escape her lungs, not having realised it was being
held. Have to get out of here. Where is this school? SHe starts following
Adrian again. Have to find that diary, it might have something in it.
The air is a bit acrid, stinging slightly as it hits your lungs. Its a
sense akin to the pain the silver brings, but only a thousandeth of its
strength. ... Adrian gets a bit ahead while your're thinking about it,
and is suddenly accosted by another kid. They are only about 20 feet
ahead, and there is no physical contact, just suddenly this other kid
comes out from behind a wall and Adrian cringes a bit.
Mathias winces at the sensation. Not again. She swallows, trying to
banish it away again. Blinking and turning towards Adrian again as the
sensation of movement sttracts her attention. What is happening? Is this
a warning? Watching, ready to move this time though. Its her brother
that might be under threat.. what.. where did that thought come from?
The new boy is larger, and he looms into Adrian's space. His movements
suggest nothing if not a slick salesman, the open, expansive jestures
and the tilt of the head while nodding. Adrian glances sort of behind,
but the other kid doesn't pay any attention.
Mathias is pagued by conflicting emotions. Help or not help. Will it
make things worse or better. Is it even his concern.. no, yes, her
concern. Yes. She nods at Adrian's glance and begins to move forward as
the new boy looms. The step, the manner more Mathias than that of a 15
year old girl. Family is to be protected.
As you approach, you hear the larger boy say "... I did stop that older
kid, didn't I? Surely your mum doesn't /want/ you to get beaten up. I'm
just asking for a small reward for my efforts..."
Mathias cannot help but smile. This is something familiar. Hidden Green
was rife with it. His people practice it and associate with those who
further this pursuit. Irena would probably even recruit this kid. Her
steps carry her up to stand behind Adrian, then moving to stand alongside
him. "There a problem here?"
Although from a distance this boy is taller than Adrian, you are an inch
or two taller than him. He takes a step or two backwards. "No..." he
says and then recovers "Just talking with Adrian"
Adrian says "Jeff stopped a kid from the high school stealing my stuff
the other day..."
Adrian looks abit uncertain - on one hand someone's menacing him, on
the other he's being rescued by his sister...
Mathias's smile might well be full of teeth for the way it is given. "Well
then. I'm sure Adrian's said thank you.. Jeff was it? I'll say thank
you as well." A glance to Adrian then back to Jeff. "Probably good you
did actually. Should be more people like you, willing to protect others
selflessly. Very admirable. I'll have to make sure his mother talks to
the principal. I'm sure they'd probably get you up in assembly to show
what a good example you are."
Jeff looks distinctly shifty. "Um. Nah, you know. Don't want that guy to
think I've got a big head and have him after me or nothin'. ... um. See
ya" He jogs off towards the school you can see down the street.
Adrian frowns a bit. "Ronnie, why do you keep saying 'my mum' rather than
Mathias laughs softly as Jeff moves away. "Always a bigger fish out
there," she says quietly to herself. Her attention drawn quickly to
Adrian. "What? Oh, um.." She shakes her head. "We had an argument,
that's all. She's my 'mum' too, I guess."
Adrian is looking directly at you and nods and then frowns. "What happened
to your eyes??"
Mathias blinks suddenly, turning her head slighty. "What do you mean?" She
rubs her eyes as if there were something in them. "Nothing," she mutters
Adrian says "But... they're grey..."
Mathias shakes her head slightly again, trying to think quickly. "Oh,
um, they are contacts. It's just a.. a stupid drama class thing. We have
to wear them. Like actors do. It's foolish, I mean stupid, but that's
school for you."
Adrian says "Oh. Is that why you have to get to school early?"
Mathias nods quickly. "Yes. That's it. I need to get to class. So hurry
up. Get to school so I can leave, ok?" A smile, not even too forced.
Adrian says "Sorry!"
Adrian picks up the pace and heads for the school. As the two of you walk
along, another kid about his age cuts across the road to join you. A girl
about 9 or 10, she says without preamble "Did you hear about Anna? Someone
tried to grab her...
Mathias nods and starts to move away, then stops. "Look. If that kid
bothers you again you tell me. Ok? We have to look out for each other
sometimes." She falls in alongside Adrian as they resume their way to
school. The new girl is given a nod, before she asks the question. "Grab
New girl looks at you a bit oddly and then the urge to be first with
the news takes over "Yeah, she was walking home late yesterday and an
old guy tried to grab her into an alley. She's getting a whole week off
cos her arm was wrenched and stuff. "
Mathias frowns again. "Did they find out who did it? Have they caught
him? Where was it?" The questions come quickly before she checks
herself. "I mean.. is she alright?"
The girl says "Nah, he got away. The police are going to be at school
toda to tell everyone about not going near strangers and all. I've got
to wait for my mum tonight...." She makes a face.
She says "My mum said that Anna's mum said that Anna said he's been
around a bit before, but he's stayed a long way away"
Mathias nods a little distractedly. "Yes. That would probably be a good
idea." Another thought. "I'll come get you tonight too, Adrian." She
turns back to the new girl. "Did it happen near your school?"
Adrian says quickly "You don't have to do that. I'll be ok. And you
finish after I do. I'll go home with Ben."
The girl says "Yeah, over near the otherside of school. Back of the
Mathias nods again. "Yes. Ok. Make sure you and Ben come straight
home then. Your.. I mean, 'Mum' will be worried otherwise." Another
thought. "It was yesterday after school this happened?"
You've reached the gates now and there are a lot of kids coming in. The
girl nods and says "Yeah, last night." She looks around "Gotta go. See
ya Adge!
She runs over to small group of girls, and looks to be telling her news
to them.
Mathias looks at the school gates, noting the name of the school this
time. "Ok. You had better go in too Adrian."
Adrian nods "I'll see you at home tonight." He sort of waves once and
heads off, leaving you at the waist high chainlink gate.
Mathias watches Adrian go into the school and starts to walk around the
fence. Where would the girl have been taken from. The police would have to
be there, or at least marked the place out. She starts to look for signs.
The school is an old one, and doesn't have much open space. Its all
concrete and ashphalt. Native bushes have been planted near the edges
to give the kids some privacy, but it makes your palm itch with all the
weaver and the lack of wyld.
On the far side of the school is yon standard set of suburb shops - a
hairdresser, a milk bar a video store and a fish and chip shop. A couple
of kids, older ones, are lurking out the front with skateboards. This
is where the other girl pointed...
Mathias looks around once before moving towards the kids on
skateboards. Any sign. Limited as to what he/she can do in the
daylight. She stops before the kids, thinking a moment before calling out,
trying to sound casual. "What are doing?"
The kids look a bit surprised when you say somethign to
them. "Nothing... "... there's no sign of any police investigation...
Mathias nods, out of her element. "You hear the policce were round
here? Something about a girl being grabbeed?"
The boy who spoke says "nah" but another guy behind him says "Yeah, some
old perv. Was up the road a bit. " He sort of jestures behind, along
the same ddirection that you were travelling and further from the school
Mathias nods quickly again. "That's what I heard. Anyone see it
happen?" She looks up the street in the direction pointed.
The same kid shrugs and says "nah. It was before we finished, like quater
to four. Why?
Mathias shakes her head quickly. "school newspaper thing. Trying to get
extra credit." She smile faintly. "Skipped too many classes so i have
to make it up somehow. This gets me out of school>
They all look at you weird. "Riiight." Someone up the back says something
and the guy he's talking to laughs and pretends to look scared. They go
back to messing about and seem to be ignoring you.
Mathias shrugs and moves away quickly, heading up the street in the
direction pointed. Maybe there's some trace to follow.
A couple of hundred metres down the road there is a bunch of small shops
and business that have an access alley behind them. There are messages
on the walls about the attack yesterday and requests for any information
to a number at the police station.
What now? Can very well try for a scent.. or can I? Mathias looks around
for somewhere hidden from public view.
Mathias moves into the alleyway, looking for a darker corner to sit
in. Eyes glaze as she tries to peer into the Umbra beyond.
Eccles has disconnected.
Eccles has connected.
Mathias moves into the alleyway, looking for a darker corner to sit
in. Eyes glaze as she tries to peer into the Umbra beyond. (repose)
The umbral reflection looks similar to the material alley, except that one
the brick walls has a big hold in it, like it has recently collapsed. A
few spiders are weaving it back together. The rest of what you can see
is very Weavery ...
Mathias's gaze returns to the real world quickly, as she reaches for her
mirror, and stops. Something reflective? Need something reflective. Bag
is dropped and rumaged through quickly. there has to be something here.
There's not much in the bag. A few books, an empty lunchbox. There's
nothing reflective (no make up or anything). There are some cars parked
in the access bit behind the shops and all, there will be a mirror there.
Mathias shakes her head. No mirror. Nothing dedicated. No clothing in
the umbra, which isn't a problem, but coming back will be. No mirror to
step out quickly either. Mathis swears quietly then moves towards the
cars regadless. Something passed though here recently and if there's any
chance of finding it she can't hesitate. Bag is stowed somewhere out of
sight and the side mirrors on the nearest car is checked to see if it
wil pop out, careful attentio npaid to car alarms.
Mathias reconsiders and moves out of the alley, bag grabbed again. Home
first, such as it now is. The diary not yet forgotten either. From there
perhaps even clothing to dedicate, maybe even the room in the umbra will
have object required.
The trip home is faster than the walk there, although you have to follow
the same path back past the primary school. You have time to look at house
as you come in this time. One of several apartments, it is fairly small,
and in need of some upkeep. The keys don't work too well in the locks,
but you eventually get the door open. Closing the door leaves you alone
in a strange house.
Mathias takes a breath as she gets into the house again, lockig the door
behind her. Stomach growling reminds her of the lack of breakfast. Bag
dropped, the easiest of food items is scavenged out and eaten quickly. The
bedroom must be braved again, despite the stench that it pomises. Diary,
mirror and clothing the immediate items of neccessity. Room to be cleaned
when she returns.
There's no mirror in your bedroom, but you can find a handmirror in the
bathroom. In the process you catch a look at yourself. Short hair is
mussed, eyes are reddened and the sockets are bruised. Veronica is pale
skinned, although that might be the after effects of whatever happened
last night. She's not pretty, but she has a certain cuteness.
The diary you can find in a drawer in your bedroom. Once the sheets
are gone, and the window opened, the room clears of smell pretty
quickly. There's not much clothing in the room - apart from school
clothes, it seems that Veronica really only has maybe three or four full
changes of clothes.
(including stuff that looks quite old)
Mathias flicks through the diary to the last two or three entries in an
attempt to find if Veronica knows what she might be, if anything. Quickly
reading before finding somewhere in which to try a rite of dedication. No
attempt yet made to use gifts, but rites are knowledge she hopes she
still haas.
The last entry is a simple, evocative one. "No more."...
Mathias shakes her head and skim back throught hte least couple of
entries, noting that time is passing, but depserate for answers.
Skimming backwards, the entries are a little more enlightening. Veronica
writes down that she thinks she is loosing her mind. She's become
touchy recently and springs into a temper at the slightest thing. She
hallucinates that the city is covered in wires and cables and /things/
move amongst the buildings. She dreams of snow and smells that she can't
remember the next morning.
The night before last she briefly describes loosing her temper with Adrian
and hitting him so hard that he flew across the room. In the week before
she got into a fight at school and drew blood and nearly couldn't stop
herself from biting the other girl. The school councillor blames her
home situation, but that has been the same for ages...
Mathias sighs and shakes her head. "No one knows. No one's explained it,"
she whispers to herself. A sudden thought and a pen is sought. It is a
risk, but this girl needs a chance. Under the last entry he scrawls a
phone number, Emma's, and the words "From M.R.". The diary is secreted
away again, in the knowledge it is a risk. He could phone someone now
but this needs to be done first. Maybe this is something he can stop in
order to atone for things past. If he involves or contacts the sept it
could be over. A moment to gather thoughts then she sits and begins to
dedicate at the very least the mirror.
You begin the rite, but the flow of gnosis comes sluggishly, almost
from a distance, and it is flavoured with the silverpain. It is almost
a reminder that you are still bound....
Mathias winces as the gnosis nearly burns within him. Breathing hard
she shakes her head and tries to persist, at least the mirror. Cannot
let her be stuck in the umbra.
The threatened pain does not come, although the scent of silverpain is
enough to set your skin goosepimpling. You finished dedicating the mirror,
and feel you could do a couple of other items if you had to
Mathias shakes her head and takes another breath. Concentration focused
again and she attempts to dedicate at least a modicum of clothing.
Again the spirit energy is sluggish, but it comes at your call.
Mathias takes another deep breath and looks about the room. At least
somewhat cleaner, for a kid's bedroom. She swallows and raises the mirror,
staring into it and the umbra beyond, stepping.
The world twists around you and for one heart stopping moment you are not
sure whether Veronica's body will be able to make the transition. When
the dizziness passes, you are standing in her Umbral bedroom.
Mathias shudders after the step, shaking her head to dismiss the fear
that maybe she would have been trapped. The room is given a brief glance
before one more test is made. A moment of focus before she tries to
shift her form.
Changing form feels relatively smooth, although there are some very odd
flashes of silvery colour under your skin as you do. Veronica makes
a rather puppyish lupus, dark coloured with the occasional lighter
patch.... You're not entirely sure that changing form physically would be
entirely a good idea - its one thing to do it while you are all spirit,
but another to stretch unfamiliar tendons and mucles.
Mathias revels a brief moment in some sense of familiarity depsite the
alieness of all else. At the very least garou in nature. Focus regain and
she moves from the room, careful of surroundings and weaver, retracing
steps as best possible tot eh site at which she previously peeked.
The trip there is ... interesting. Sydney seems to be more actively
weavery than Melbourne, or perhaps its just that in Melbourne the spiders
and their activity is familiar. As you approach the alleyway, you can
see the two spiders are still endeavouring to fill the hole, although
it is perhaps half done. They are not exactly working together though,
and as one works on it, the other uses those bits of weaverness to form
its own bricks.
Mathias moves closer to the hole, sniffing at it, peering for any sign
of what might have made it. Damage in the umbra so close to the incident
sounding beyond coincidence.
Scents abound - a sharpedged smell of anger, tinged with fear. A canine
scent and apossibly a homid scent with it. Tomatos.
Mathias steps back at the confusion of scents in the umbra. Something
strange here. Tomatos? An attempt at something new is made as she focuses
on the area in such a way as would utilise a previously known gift,
scenting for wyrm traces.
Like trying to taste after curry, the lack of your sense is strange
sensation. Pins and needles of the soul.
Mathias shudders again and shakes her head. not entire unprepared for the
event she instead focuses again on the more 'mundane' meathods of scent,
trying to track either the homid or canine scent from the hole.
The scents are entwined in a way that suggests a Garou. There are other,
fainter scents that are also at the hole - maybe clothing. As it moves
away from the hole and towards the houses (ie: not towards the street
you came from) the other scents fade, leaving the possible garou scent
and anger(small fear). The scents go for some distance and as you pass
along there are other small destructions - a smash fence, a garbage bin
ditnted as if it had been kicked...
Maybe 500 metres away, the scent fades suddenly.
Mathias stops where the scent fades, looking around once to ascertain
the safety of her current location then attempting to peek back into
the real world.
Spiders move nearby, but none close, and none agitated enough to attack a
moving target. Peeking reveals that you are in a street of close-packed
houses, similiar to some that you have passed earlier on your way to
the school. There doesn't seem to be anything special, nor is there any
cover immediately here to suggest that someone stepped.
Mathias shakes her head again. What now? The attempted abduction may not
have been natural. Could it be the girl they were after specifically,
or was it something else entirely. She lets her focus slip back into te
umbra and sits the a moment, more of the impact of the current situation
sinking in.
Mathias shakes her head again and moves back along the trail. The scent
know know to her she may be able to recognise it later. Alone there
is nothing she can do right now though, helplessness after the trials
and pain already endured. She looks up at the sky. "What? What is it
you want? How can I stop this?" Not expecting an answer she shakes her
head. She needs help. She heads back through the umbra to her bedroom.
Cleaning the bedroom takes most of the afternoon. Blood has soaked
down and into the cheap foam matress, and it takes a lot of soaking and
wringing out to get it mostly out. Your limbs are shaking from the effort,
and it does occur to you that perhaps a 14 year old girl doesn't have
quite the same strength or stamina as you are used to from your own body.
The house is small and not very well kept up. It looks to be about 40
years old. The roof obviously leaks in places and some of the laundry
is held together with electrical tape. The furniture is reasonably good
quality, but the other bits and pieces indicate people barely squeaking
by. The food is plain and mosltly homebrand. There's no video or any
luxury goods like that.
In the small lounge room you find a photo album... the photos are
obviously from better days. Most of them are a couple of years old,
and include an adult male as well - presumably Veronica's father?
Mathias is breathing heavily by the time the room is clean. Some attempt
is made to bring a shred of order to the room at the same time, old
habbits dying hard. Almost ready to collapse she instead walks slowly
around the house, familiarising herself with it as best possible. She
shakes her head a little at the obvious 'bareness' of it all, such a
contrast to his previous life... is this the life he now will be living?
A ghostly echo, imagined or real... avarice... envy... pride...
Mathias shakes her head. The life never known, the life never even
seen. Can a difference be made. The kitchen is attacked first. Cleaning,
scrubbing away at breakfast dishes then at whatever dirt may lay
deeper. Thoughts of immediate events set aside as layers as scrubbed at,
of the soul as well as mudane surfaces.
The dishes and cutlery speak too of a time when the family prospered,
obviously expensive and well made. ... the time zooms past as you busy
yourself in small things...
Keys rattle at the front door and it opens and then slams. Adrian walks
past down the hallway, then comes back and looks at you weirdly. "What
are you doing home already?
Mathias moves back to her room and takes another deep breath. The clock
checked, decision made near 3pm. The mirror gripped, image stared into
and the step made again.
Again, the strange twisting sensation as you move between worlds. Perhaps
this is because your spirit is in the body of another...
Mathias makes the trip quicker this time, slowing down a good block from
the sight visited this morning. She begins to look around in earnest,
watching, listening, smelling, using every sense possible to try and
gain another clue, or prepare for the presence of another.
You follow the scent trail back along to the hole in the wall. The spider
has long finished its task, the wall patched with shiny silvery weaver
ephemera slowly taking on the hue of red brick. At the site the scent
is strongest, and it occurs to you there that the scent is not that of
a man, but a female...
Mathias spends another few moments sniffing around the area. Female? She
shakes her head. Can't tell if it is the wrym. Need some further clue. A
brief panicked thought, what is her own scent?
The scent contrasts heavily with your own (well, Veronica's own)
scent, which now that you've cleaned up, is very light and definately
female. This scent is heavier, which made it unclear as to the sex,
but with close examination is definately female. Maybe older? Maybe a
more fighting-oriented woman. Its mixed with fight/flight scents...
Mathias shakes her head again. Female, older. How many known garou
in sydney of that age? Nothing. Helpless to stop this person. Another
shake of her head. Patience. Wait, for an hour, hide. If nothing then
home again.
Nothing happens for that hour. Occasional peeking reveals school kids
streaming past the mouth of the alley and then the infrequent kid passing
back and forth. The skaters are back too...
Mathias's patience ends. She has to beat Adrian home. The site is left
and the trip made back to the house. Peeking made to ensure Adrian is
not in the house before she steps back into her room.
Adrian is rattling on the door as you step out into your bedroom. The
door slams and he tromps up the hall and into his room, probably dropping
his bag, judging by the thump. Footsteps run down the hall and into
the lounge.
Mathias remains quiet in her bedroom at first, listening for a minute
or two. Wariness overidding the protective instinct already devloping
for Adrian. If she is garou does that mean he may be too. Was the
father? Mother? Too many questions. Listening still.
Faint whine of electronics and the buzzy voices of a tv...
Mathias takes a few minutes to muss up her hair. An effort made to
simulate tiredness, illness, something to back up the story she plans
to tell if necessary. Once done she walks out of the room slowly and
towards the lounge room. "Adrian. That you?"
Eccles's head sticks out of the lounge. "Ronnie? What are you doing home?
Mathias shakes her head slowly. "I wasn't feeling well." Effort made
to slow her speech, to alter his own speech patterns a little in the
process. "Did you come home with Ben?"
Adrian nods. "His mum came and picked him up, they drove me back
here. There were police at school today, talking about the guy that has
been lurking around. Michelle said that she's seen him before hanging
around, and other kids too
Mathias doesn't need to feign interest. "They have? Have you seen
him?" She does feign a yawn however, covering her mouth. "They know who
he is?"
Adrian shakes his head. "Nope. They just said that people should be
careful and not take lifts from strangers and stuff. And that if kids
see him, they should let someone know. He's been watching people, like,
from a way away
You say "Oh? And no one's said anything before." She shakes her head
and wanders towards the kitchen. "You want something to eat?"
Adrian says "Um, yeah, they did, but he stayed a long way away. Or they
weren't sure if he was following them and stuff. But Anna's not coming
back to school this week..."
Adrian follows you into the kitchen. "Mum said we shouldn't eat too much.
Mathias nods slowly. "We won't. Just a piece of toast. Ok?" All that
money he had, and people have to struggle for this. How could he be so
blind. She moves about the kitchen slowly, holding her stomach once or
twice. "You know Anna?"
Adrian nods. "Ok. I had lunch - Jeff left me alone. Yeah, Anna is in
my class.
Mathias allows herself a small smile. "Hopefully Jeff won't bother
you much anymore." The bread is put in the toaster as she keeps
talking. "What's her last name? Do I know her?"
Adrian says "Um, Palma I think. I don't think you know her..."
Mathias nods again. "And Anna's ok? I mean, apart from having a week
off?" She continues to make toast, spreading it liberally with jam and
handing it to Adrian.
Adrian nodnods. "That's what the teacher said.
Mathias takes her own piece of toast and takes a bite of it. "Go watch
TV. I'm going to be in my room for a bit. When's y.. mum going to
be home?"
Adrian grabs the toast and munches it. Through the mouthful of food you
think he says "after 6, like usual.... what you cookin' for tea?"
Mathias blinks then looks around the kitchen a little awkwardly. "Um,
not sure. I'll make something up." He used to cook, but the igredients
would have cost more for one meal than possibly the contents of the
kitchen. She shakes her head. "I'll just rest for an hour and then start
it." She starts to move away. "Is there a newspaper around?
Adrian says "Can we have spaghetti bolognaise?.. um, I didn't see mum
buy one... why?"
Mathias nods slowly. Easy enough. "Umm. Sure. I can do that. Now go
watch TV. I need to make a phone call so keep it down, ok?" The speech
comes more easily now too.
Adrian says "Ok..." He gets up and goes to the lounge "You want to watch
a vid later?"
Mathias nods again as Adrian leaves. "Sure. As long as its not too
late. And make sure you do your homework, ok." She moves about the
kitchen, cleaning away the snack condiments then looking for the phone.
The phone is on the wall.
Mathias picks up the phone and stares at it a moment. A decision hesitated
over then made as she tries to recall the number of the sept a year ago.
A warning tickle slicks its way up your spine, and the injuries from
the erebus denizens burn coldly.
Mathias sighs quietly and nods. "I thought as much," she says
quietly. The phone is replaced on the wall and she looks around the
kitchen again. "Spagetti. Ok, that is easy enough." Making dinner is a
mundane task, it allows the mind to turn things over.
Cooking is another easy but rewarding task. About half way through
Veronica's mum comes home, bringing Scott. She tells Adrian off for not
having done his homework and dumps stuff on a heap on the table. She
looks about and says "You cleaned up." and then heads for her own room.
Mathias watches Anette.. her mother move through the house. The memory
of alcohol on her breath this morning awakening a small concern. Her
concentration returns to the task of cooking, setting a table if there
is one, listening to the sounds of the house.
Annette comes in and frowns at you. "Whats with the bedding?" She has
an armful of clothes...
Mathias looks up and moves towards the laundry. "I has to wash my
sheets. I.. I wasn't feeling well last night and this morning. They said
at school that its better to wash the germs out." She tries to get past
to remove the sheets from the machine.
Adrian says "You'll have to use the old ones tonight then, these ones
won't be dry and we can't afford to leave the heater on."
Annette does domestic things while you cook. When dinner is ready, all
four of you sit around the table. You notice Annette pours herself a
generous shot of vodka and then mixes it with orange juice.
Mathias serves the food quietly, sitting down and eating. If there is
conversation around the house she keeps mostly quiet during it. The
occasional glance towards Annette.. some problems cannot be solved in
a night.
Dinner is pretty quiet, although Adrian mentions the attempted kidnapping
and Annette says that he's to be careful on the way to school. She tells
you to go with him all the way, cos it only means 5 minutes out of your
way. She has another vodka and orange during the meal, and leaves you
and Adrian to clean dishes before collapsing into a couch in the lounge
in front of the tv.
Mathias nods in response to Anette's request. "Ok." Dinner things are
cleared awayed, washing done as well. She moves into the lounge and
settles into another chair. "I was thinking, maybe I could get a part
time job or something. Maybe help out a bit?" A quiet offering, spoken
before she even realises she's doing it.
Annette starts. "You're not dropping out of school....
Mathias shakes her head quickly. "No. I didn't mean that. After school. Or
weekends or something?"
Adrian smiles a bit wanly. "Nice idea kid, but you're only 14 for a
while yet. Maybe when you get to 15.
Mathias ohs quietly. Fourteen? Didn't even realise. "All right. Maybe
later then." She looks across at the TV, a vague thought wondering if the
news has already passed. Some indication of the world beyond this room.
The television is a bit hard to concentrate on - for some reason the
flickering images seem a bit out of sync... but the news is long gone
Scott is put to bed about 7.30. Adrian is sent to bed about 8.30...
Mathias tries to focus on the television for a few minutes then shakes
her head slightly again. Obviously not what he is here for. "I might go
to bed early, if that's all right. Still not feeling real well."
Annette nods absentmindedly.
Annette is on probably her forth vodka... or was it fifth... a good 1/3
of the bottle is gone.
Mathias stands and starts to move out of the room. She stops and looks
back at Annette, asking quietly. "Are you all right?" A pause then an
even quieter addition. "Mum?"
Annette says "Mmm? Yeah, I'm fine, just tired..."
Mathias moves slowly back into the room. What to say. "You know they love
you, don't you?" The words as alien to him in the speaking as the hearing.
Annette looks sharply at you. "What?" Impatience and distraction on her
face, words slightly slurred
Mathias continues quietly. "Scott and Adrian." A pause, the next seeming
even more odd. "And me. You know that, don't you?"
There's a brief moment where the cynicism and frustration springs too
easily to her lips, and then her expression softens. "Yes hon, I love you
guys too. I'm sorry, just... working 6 days a week really takes it out
of me. I know things have been tough for you recently, being left with
everything here, and just teenage stuff, but I really have to depend on
you... ok?
Mathias nods slowly. "Yes. I know. We're family though. Family helps
each other. It's all right. I just.." Another pause. He doesn't even
know this woman. "I just wanted you to know, is all."
Annette looks at you and smiles. "Thanks hon.... maybe if your dad was
still here it would be different, but we'll just have to make do. You
go to bed, see if you feel any better tomorrow...
Mathias nods and starts to move away again. She stops near the doorway,
questoning spring to her lips. "Do you miss him?"
Annette's face tightens. "Oh yeah. I think I will always.
Mathias nods, memories of a mother he barely knew and a father who drove
him to be what he was. Would it have been different if she lived. "So
do I," she says quietly. With that she moves to her bedroom, finding the
'older' sheets and making the bed.
Sleep comes surprisingly easily, given the unfamiliarity of the
situation. But something wakes you up a few hours later. You're not sure
if you heard something, or just dreamt it. The wind up alarm clock next to
your bed says 2am, but you can hear the television still on down the hall.
Mathias shakes off the fingers of sleep that still grip her mind. Sitting
up in the bed and dragging on the dedicated t-shirt over her night
clothes. Quietly she makes her way out of the bedroom, moving towards
the lounge room.
The sound of late night informercials streams out of the otherwise dark
lounge. But over that you can hear another sound... sobbing
Mathias draws closer, looking into the room, already expecting a sight.
Over the shoulder of an armchair, you can see Annette still in her
chair. The vodka bottle is even less full now. She has the photo album
you found earlier in her lap, open (you can't see to what pictures because
of the angle of the plastic). She has her left hand spread over the page
and head down, and she is crying... deep, involuntary shudders
Mathias steps into the room just as quietly. She moves to Annette's
side and rest what seems to be far too small a hand on her 'mother's'
shoulder. No words spoken, just the touch, the empathy so often used
to manipulate now offering comfort and understanding, feeling as much
a sense of loss as she does.
Annette jumps about 6 inches, knocking the album to the floor. She looks
at you through tearstained eyes and then grabs you in a hug.
Her touch burns and the pain she feels flows back into you. A prevailing
sense of loss, with a faint sense of anger too.
Mathias is caught off guard at first, falling into the hug. Awkward
and uncertain of such emotion expressed this way, she tries to return
the hug. Breath catches in a gasp as the burning touch and the emotions
course through her. Swallowing, losing himself in them for a moment. He
hug tightens, tears in her own eyes. Still no words.
Its not just sympathy - like the turn-a-round scenes in the silver,
you acutely feel her pain. And perhaps she senses that....
Annette slowly gets herself under control.
Mathias shudders a little at the sensation, swallowing and nodding
to no one in particular. "Things will get better." The voice quiet,
almost detached.
Detachment feels wrong, somehow, as if it was a step in the wrong
Annette nods and wipes at her eyes. "I know... " She takes a deep
breath. "I guess I just started thinking..." She tries to smile, but
its not a very cheering expression
Mathias's detachment is more from rational thought. The words of comfort,
the meaning behind them offered from something deeper. Spoken without
consideration, without weighing their meaning. Slowly she nods, reaching
down to pick up the albumn and offering it back to Annette. "Tell me
about him, please?"
Annette says "Oh, I don't know... I just keep thinking that if he hadn't
gone out, or if I'd gone with him, or something..."
Mathias nods slowly. "But if you had.. what would have happened to
us?" She looks down at the photos. Was he garou? Did she know?
Annette says "I don't mean like that... maybe if I was in the car he
would have... or wouldn't ahve... oh, I don't know, its just "what if"
type thoughts... I shouldn't have them, let alone drop them on you..." She
ruffles your hair. "It was just bad luck, and bad weather."
Mathias forces a smile and shakes his head. "No. It's all right. It's
better to talk about it." A moment of hesitation. "What if doesn't
work," she says quietly. "It's now that counts." She looks at Annette
a long moment, remmebering the feelings.. frustration? anger? A sudden
thought. Is she? Was she? "I.. I need to tell you something?"
Annette stands up, picking up and shutting the album. She is visibly
shaky. "Is it important, or can it wait until morning? ... I'm sorry,
that came out wrong. I'm just tired, and I have to sleep. So do you...
Mathias hesitates again, what is he's guessed wrong. She swallows and
speaks quietly, staying near the chair. "It's about dreams. Strange
dreams. But they seem real. Of other places." She watches Annette for
any reaction.
Annette says "You're having trouble sleeping? Is that why you're up?"
Mathias nods slowly. "Yes." A quiet answer, kept short.
Annette says "Tried some hot milk or something?"
There's no recognition in her eyes that maybe they mean something else...
Mathias another slow nods. "Maybe I'll try that. I just thought.. well
maybe you might know what they were. I guess I shouldn't read horror
stories before bed."
Annette smiles wanly again. "You and me both. Come on, we should call
it a night.
Mathias nods again and returns a faint smile. "Ok. Good night.. mum." She
reaches down an picks up the vodka bottle to take to the kitchen before
heading to bed.
It strikes you as you carry it along that this is very similar to the
bottle you nearly tripped on this morning... you must have kicked it
under the cupboard or something...
Mathias notes the similarity, almost sighing again at the
recognition. Once safe in her bedroom the diary is removed. Perhaps
something he can write to make her understand, to somehow help if this
all ends.

Erebus 4

The morning begins much more congenially than the previous one. The
alarm goes off at 7am, jolting you out of a fairly deep sleep...
You are fairly sure you were dreaming about Erebus during the night,
but in a remote, sort of observational way...
Mathias wakes up and looks around. First thoughts those of realisation
for the current predicament. Next thoughts to check for any signs of
the previous morning's. Blood?
The blood soaked down through the mattress and into the base of the bed
- not much you could do about that other than hide it with fresh sheets
after mopping up as much as you can. But there's no new blood....
Mathias sits up and looks around the room. What to do. Anette will be
calling soon. She gets up and moves towards the kitchen. Breakfast.. for
When you reach the kitchen Annette is already up, and obviously has been
for a bit. "Hiya kiddo. What you want on your toast? Don't forget I want
you to walk Adrian all the way to school today, because of that weirdo
hanging around, so you'll need to leave on time."
Mathias looks a little surprised to see Anette up. She smiles. "Umm. Just
jam is fine." She moves about the kitchen and tries to help where she
can. "Yes. I'll walk him all the way there."
Yesterday it also appeared that Annette organised breakfast, so she
might wake up earlier than you, get things done when she's not exhausted
from work.
Breakfast and shower are easy enough, but when you get back to
your/Veronica's room, you're presented with a bit of an issue - what to
wear? :)
Mathias is more confused than embrassed perhaps. A search is made for
some sort of school uniform, though it will have to be dedicated to be
of any use. School will be a necessity today otherwise her abscene will
most likely be reported. Breaks during the day will hopefully give her
time to continue investigating.
Veronica appears to have two full uniforms, both clean, although one is
perhaps a bit older than the other. Dedicating each item will take 10
minutes, and isn't exactly speedy.
Mathias decides to wear a uniform, take Adrian to school then return
home. A phone call to the school should gain her a few days off.
Adrian is ready before you are, and seems to have got over his
skittishness from the day before. Annette yells out a goodbye and leaves
with Scott while you're brushing your teeth, so its just the two of
you left.
Mathias takes Adrian to school and returns home.
The trip is fairly quick. You notice that most of the kids going to the
primary school are either in groups or being escorted. Slipping home
is a bit weird - surprisingly, there's still a slight thrill in playing
hookey. THe house is quiet when you get in.
Mathias looks around the house and tries to find something that identifies
her school.
The school name is written in small letters on the uniform and your
Mathias checks a phonebook and rings the school, doing a suitably sick
sounding performance
Ensurng to get a random clerk type person rather than a principal
or teacher.
Its barely 9 o'clock when you get off the phone.
Mathias considers options. Nothing to be done this early. If the visitor
at the school is to reappear it won't be until afternoon. Instead time is
spent house-cleaning. Humbling perhaps, but something cathartic about it.
Immersed in the joy in small things, time flows past quickly. You're
reminded again that Veronica's body just doesn't have the reserves that
you are used to, but a healthy lunch assists there.
In no time at all, its nearly 2.30pm. Given when Adrian got home, you
think that kids will probably start to leave primary school in the next
hour or so, max.
Mathias prepares herself for the step and makes her way towards the same
site as yesterday. Caution exercised as she approaches.
The Umbra is unchanged, still the home of the weaver. Peering around
the location that the attack happened at yesterday, there doesn't seem
to be much happening here. Perhaps school hasn't quite got out yet.
It does occur to you that with all the hubub that happened, and the
posters stuck up at the mouth of the alley, it is unlikely that anything
will happen here unless the assailant is insane.
Mathias is open to the possibilty that the assailant or the presence
in the umbra could very well be insane. Unfortunately she has no other
options to pursue at this point.
Mathias shifts down to lupus form in an effort to step in that form and
be able to try and find the scent again.
It is perhaps a little easier this time, but you're still not confidant
that Veronica's body will copy doing this in the realm. Finding somewhere
to step is easy enough for a lupus....
Mathias spends a moment getting used to the form before attempting
to step.
Looking at yourself in a puddle, a few memories drift up that were not
attacked by Erebus, of the first few times you changed form and the sense
of wonder that it inspired. Veronica is still fairly puppyish although
she is filling out.
Mathias spends moment savouring that memory, thinking of it and what
the first realisations of his heritage was. Mental preparation more than
anyhthing and then step
Those moments were perhaps the only times that you were able to look
at everything and see it new, to see it without having to think of
obligations... not of the obligations of being a warrior of gaia,
but obligations of having to think of each move in a political sense,
of having to use your abilities to accomplish other tasks...
Older parts of the city present a thousand places for someone as small
as Veronica to step sideways unseen - you find one without too much
hunting around.
Mathias takes things slow as spirit is given flesh in the real
world. After a semblance of comfort the task at hand is given ful
attention. Watching for pedestrians and the norma dangers of a canin in
the city, she begins to try and find the scent.
No one gives the lost dog much of a second glance as you run towards
the school and hunt about. There are almost as many places where someone
could wait and watch kids as there are places that you can step sideways
You suddenly pick up the scent a block or so from the school.
Its not hidden, it is instead wandering down a smallish street, off the
beaten path...
Mathias seems surprised at first at finding the scent but is eager to
follow it.
You'd guess that it is from earlier today, maybe 6 hours or so, but its
not exactly sure. It wanders around a bit and you'd guess the person who
laid it down wasn't moving very fast. It also seems a bit more feminine
that the scent at the hole.. and perhaps less canine more homid...
Mathias is cautious again in following the scent. Aware that this form
is not as physically strong or capable if there was a confrontation with
another garou.
Still, you are probably moving faster than they, and there have been
periods where they just sat down on a bench for a while. As you follow
it along, the scent gets fresher, and at one point it suddenly shifts
in nature, becoming the same almost sexless, semimasculine scent when
it is wandering through a small local park.
Confusion at the scent, but little more to do than to continue to follow
it. The situation beyond his control but less frustration and simple
acceptance in this case.
The scent grows very fresh, perhaps only a few minutes. Although it
has been wandering all over, it has now headed back towards the school,
although on the far side to the alley where the scenter was last time.
Mathias's pursuit is a little more eager as the scent is so fresh. Visual
checks made often now, trying to spot her 'prey'.
Eventually it reaches the mouth of an alley that leads towards the
school. The far end opens out into a street with thick trees and high
brick fences, where the scent has passed along before hand. The alley
passes behind a number of houses, but it has an 8' fence blocking the view
from those houses, and is full of rubble and junk. The scent is maybe a
few minutes old, and glancing up the alley, you think that you see someone
duck behind a large pile of hard rubbish near the far end of the alley
Mathias debates options for a moment, crouching low as if to hide or
seek some cover. She begins to move into the alley, sniffing as corners
and rubbish in as close to a doglike manner as possible.
A quick peek reveals that there is no one in the Umbra in the alley
(which is even more decrepit, if possible) - it seems as if they have
ducked down at the far end away from your and are hiding there. Stepping
takes a few moments , you think, but you can cautiously creep down the
alley and then peek.
As you creep along in the Umbra, you can get to within about 5 metres,
maybe a bit more of the person. You peek and find that from your hiding
spot you can see with one eye through a gap in the rubble. The person
you are looking at is probably male from the width of the shoulders, but
you can't see features. Skin is wrinkled, so they are older than 50 at a
guess, or spent a lot of time in the sun. Your glance seems to slip off
them in weird ways, as if something was hiding them. They seem intent on
the street ahead, which is only a short distance from their hiding spot.
Mathias is confused, at the sight and at the way her glance slides off
the figure. Male? Female? Definitely confused. She attempts to smell
the figure through the umbra.
The scent is a bit too far away...
The figure shifts occasionally and looks about. After a short time,
there is sudden movement at the front of the alley. A girl, probably
from Adrian's shchool walks past the alley alone and something jumps on
her from the fence, towrds her face.
Mathias is ready to step, almost sliding through the umbra but trying
to see what has jumped on the girl before making her move.
Staring up the alley, the figure starts to move towards the girl, but
you can see that it is a disembodied hand, covering the girl's mouth
and lower face....
Mathias snaps her gaze back into the umbra, looking to the sight of the
girl in case the attcker is operating from the umbra.
Umbra is empty...
Mathias is forced to peek back into the real world before making the
decision to step.
The figure has the girl in the air, and is starting to head down the
alley. You'd guess the man (as it seems to be) has changed to glabro,
and is lifting
the girl one handed. He seems to have a stump for the other hand, even
as the girl is prevented from screaming by the hand across her mouth
Mathias is garou and garou must protect the innocent. Veronica is garou
whether she knows it or not. Mathias steps, in lupus form, first thought
is to attempt to hamstring the assailant.
The gauntlet seems to shift out of your way as you leap between the
worlds, appearing in front of the man, who is concentrating on his prey.
Mathias's jaws open, her attack silent and dedicated. The bite intending
to hamstring, disable and distract.
You leap out of the Umbra, hit the ground once and bound at the man's tigh
in a single leap. The hit was true, and it is almost instinct to close
around flesh, but as you do, there is a surge of silverpain within you,
crippling and burning as it flows. Yet you are not the target, merely
the conduit...
The man drops the girl as he flies back and lands heavily on rubble. Your
legs go wobbly and your vision blurs... you are still not sure of yourself
when you glance at the man and see a woman... Mother Pasta....
The girl has landed awkwardly and starts to cry. The hand over her mouth
has gone, and she wails high and loud.
Mathias stumbles back on all fours. The pain, the sudden
revelation. Unsure what to do, what has just happened. A brief flash of
memory at previous encounters with Mother Pasta, previous conflicts.. then
dismissed without a thought. She rights herself, struggling to stand
solidly, a growl of warning as she puts herself between the girl and
the garou.
The girl starts to stumble to her feet. Mother Pasta is lying there
twitching, obviously trying to get up, but not yet able to control
herself sufficiently. She is snarling and cursing, but her speech is
slurred and her eyes don't quite focus.
You yourself are still shaky, and can easily empathise with what is
happening to her... however, she is showing some signs of recovering. If
you hit her again, something similar might happen, but Veronica's body
is not up to withstanding that...
Mathias's growl becomes words, garou tongue and spoken with full force
of their meaning. "Respect for those beneath ye. All are of Gaia." As she
sees Mother Pasta start to rise action is given but one final thought. [Do
not let this girl die without knowing what she does] A silent prayer to
whatever forces have placed him here. She leaps towards Mother Pasta,
welcoming the silvery fire.
Mother Pasta's eyes open as you rush towards her, and she manages to
stumble to her feet and half run, half trip her way out of the alleyway,
fleeing from you into the Umbra.
You can hear the young girl flee the other way, and perhaps the sounds
of people running to the screams from the houses nearby....
Mathias doesn't even hesitate in leaping through the umbra.
The pain still courses through you, and you are unable to achieve the
stillness required to change between the Realms...
A young man, perhaps nearly thirty, leaps the fence seperating his house
from the alley - not a small feat when its a 8foot tin fence. As he lands,
he's looking back and forth for the screams...
Mathias recoils from the failed attempt, stumbling backwards. As the
man is seen she backs up further into the alleyway, watching for another
The young man looks right on past you, and runs after the girl, following
the faint sounds. Other people start to appear, looking around to see
what is going on...
Mathias thinks the girl is now safe. She moves further down the alleyway,
seeking a place out of sight to try and slip into the umbra again.
One of the people tries to get you to come over towards them, saying
that you look hurt. Given the amount that you are swaying, they aren't
being particularly perceptive.
You slip past them, and they make no real move to stop you. You head away
a block and try to achieve inner unity, and eventually the realm fades
and the Umbra appears. Heading back to the site, you can find a scent
for about 5 feet before it fades away, much like it did at the alley way.
Mathias spends several minutes searching for the scent, trying to find
exactly where it fades. Knowledge of Mother Pasta's abilites leads him
to believe she could concel herself if she wished. Thoughts turning
towards finding the caern to which she belongs.
The scent appears again a short way away, as if she paused, leaning
against something, but then fades straight away.... You could probably
find the Rocks caern, given that it was right next to the Sydney Harbour
Mathias attempts to find and/or follow the scent further, searching for
signs of it appearing and disappearing.
There are no further signs of the scent... it could be speculated that
she stopped briefly when the angel of pain was obviously not following
right behind her....
Mathias attempts to orient herself towards the Rocks caern as soon as
possible. Word must be brought to others of Mother Pasta's activities. The
rememberance of silver fire enough to urge her on towards finding
the garou.
The trip towards the Rocks caern takes about 3 hours of solid
walking. Fortunately the bridge is a fairly solid landmark and you can
make your way there without wandering about too much. Stopping on the
other side of the road away from the caern, you can see that the pub is
open, and doing a fair trade. Bright lights shine from inside and you
can hear voices of people having a good time.
Mathias stares at the pub, debating courses of action. Mathias would not
be welcome here and Veronica is unkown. Uncertainty and concern. Memory
struggling for the name of one to ask for as her steps carry her towards
the entrance.
Herman Cartright is the only name that comes to mind, other than Mother
Pasta herself. He was the Master of the Rite, and a reasonably nice guy...
Mathias takes a breath and steps inside
Florence was the other name, the caern warder, but you're unsure how
she feels about you.
Noise, smoke and alcohol fumes swirl around you as you step into the
brightly lit pub. A few of the patrons at the front door jesture at you
with beers and laugh, but no one makes an effort to get rid of you.
Mathias's eyes scan the room briefly. The gestures and comments
ignored. Again a sense of Mathias pushes to the fore, confidence returning
as she moves purposefully towards the bar.
There is a large man behind the bar who sees you, frowns, and says "Oi,
piss off. You're not allowed in here."
Mathias straightens her shoulders, trying to stand a little taller. She
leans closer to the bar, as if to reduce the number of people that will
overhear here. "I'm here to see Herman."
The large man gives you an odd look but leans a bit closer and says
perhaps a little more politely "And who are you, little lady?"
Mathias looks directly back at the man. "Someone who needs to speak to
Herman now, in private and away from all types of ears."
The man looks at you. "That's as might be ... . .... .. .... .... .... the
words fade and a mental contact says (you don't even leave the building
unless you give me a name)
Mathias considers options again, closing her eyes a moment then opening
them again to stare back at the man. [Mathias Rourke] Damned or saved
by the name alone. Spoken aloud the words soft. "I must see Herman."
The man raises an eyebrow. "Wait here."
He heads through a staff only door behind the bar.
A few moments go past, and a couple of people are looking at you
suspiciously. The door opens again, and you see Herman's head stick out
as well as the barman's. He has a baffled expression on his face ,and
looks at the barman.
Herman jestures you to come around the gap in the bar.
Mathias doesn't even glance back as she moves around the bar and towards
You are led through a sort of kitchen out to a small garden. Herman
points at a chair and says "Sit." He pulls up a chair from a table. "Ok,
who are you, and where do you know that name from? Where do you know my
name from? What do you want?
Herman has a no-bullshit look on his face, with a slight puzzled frown.
Mathias sits and stares back at Herman. "In order. I can't tell you. It
was the only name I knew that would get your attetion. I heard of you
from the one's who's name I gave. I have to warn you about another
garou." Even as she finishes speaking her shoulders slump a little. "I
cannot tell you everything. I can't explain it all and I doubt I am
permitted to speak of some of it. All I can ask is that you listen to me."
Herman hmms. "I don't know how much you know about him, but I don't
exactly trust him. But I'm listening...
Herman quietly says to himself "After last time, I'd be a fool not to...
Mathias shakes her head. "He did very little to earn the trust of any
here. Something I am certain he regrets." She takes a breath. "What I
need to say will be even harder to believe and with only my word to go
by. One of those who live here has been attacking children." She looks
around, obviously uncertain as to how safe it is to talk here.
Herman raises an eyebrow. "That's an interesting accusation. Why don't
you give me a fw details."
Mathias looks around again. "Are thee othr ears listening here?"
Herman scratches his chin and looks at you blank facedly. "Ok. Lets
walk." He leads ytou out of the caern and towards the shoreline. "If
you're so sure that about things that Mathias thinks, then you'll
understand that what you're saying will nbeed some fairly significant
Herman heads along the harbour shoreline, away from the bridge...
Mathias follows in silence at first, waiting until they are both well
away from the caern. "There was what seemed to be an attempted abduction
of a young girl from [school]. Witnesses said that a man had been seen
in the area. The problem is there was evidence of a disturbance in the
umbra at the same sight."
Herman nods. "Continue."
Mathias sighs and looks down, holding her hands out before her,
studying them. "There was another attempted abduction this afternoon
too. It was a garou. One who could change their appearance and was able
to translocate part of their body and still control it. I witness the
attack, and stopped it. I was forced to attack the garou, at which point
their illusion faltered."
Herman looks at you a bit sharply. "What part of their body?
Mathias looks back up at Herman. "Their hand."
Herman goes a bit pale and moves over towards the edge of a fountain in
a harbourside park. "So... did Mathias tell you who the garou was?"
Mathias hesitates. "The garou was seen. She.. it was Mother Pasta." She
remains standing, looking at Herman.
Herman takes a deep breath. "So what does Mathias want?"
Mathias frowns slightly and shakes her head. "It is not a case of what
he wants. The girl was protected, as she should be. But this cannot be
allowed to happen again. He is not in a position to judge another. I
can only tell you what happened."
Herman says "Is that what he told you? Because I can't see the shadowlord
somehow finding evidence of the bonegnawer council member's fall and
not wanting something for it. Especially Mathias."
Something in Herman's eyes says he believes you - perhaps it is the hurt
so evident in his face...
Mathias opens her mouth to say something, then closes it again. She
shakes her head. "You are right. He would have taken satisfaction in
this knowledge, even used it." She looks up at Herman a moment before
speaking again. "All I am able to say is that things are not always as
they seem, and sometimes even those who have fallen may be given the
chance to redeem themselves."
As you say the words, the sky starts to change, to shine silver. Your
words come from a distance away, and your vision starts to tunnel. It
opens out again and you are looking at Veronica from behind. She falls,
crumpling towards Herman and into the fountain. You move further away,
and silver grows stronger in your vision...
You are looking down at the silver river, from above and away from it. You
stand on solid black rock, and although you can feel the potential for
pain lying just centimetres from your nose, you are not in the river.
A voice behind says "What was your sin?"
Mathias's surprise cannot be expressed. Though the silver looms his last
thoughts go to the safety of Veronica. As the scene changes he feels
himself almost solid again. He stares first down at the rock under his
feet, then at the river of silver. His voice quiet but words spoken
without hesitation. "Pride. I thought myself above them."
The voice says "You are the servant of others. You are beloved of gaia
and her protector. What you do is for her. All are of gaia. For the
least being your heart must be true."
Mathias nods, gaze rising slightly to look out over the river. "I
One of the Brood stands beside you, towering over you, spear at the
ready. "You begin to understand. It is time for you to go."
Mathias looks up at the Brood and nods. "It is. I thank you." He
straightens, ready.
The Brood points along the river. "That way. Walk with Gaia."
Mathias looks out over the river, hesitating a moment, then nodding. "I
shall." Faith in his first step as he moves.
The trail leads ever downwards, along side the rivers of silver. In places
you see Garou within the river, and in the strange light that reflects
from the silver near them, you catch glimpses of scenes which they have
lived and now suffer for. You can see that they clutch at these scenes
and will not let them go. Brood members stand over each one and watch
you passively as you pass.
In time you reach an immense cavern, and a boat waits for you on the
shore of a lake of silver. Fog shrouds the far side.
Mathias stops before the boat and turns back once to see the path he
has taken. "I will not forget." His final quiet words before he steps
onto the boat.
The boat silently slips off the sand and across the silver. Small
splashes leave silver on your skin, and it is absorbed within. The
boat travels for some time, and ahead you can see a light, glowing in
the fog. As you approach, the fog clears and the boat moors itself at a
stone jetty. The light radiates out from an angel, waiting on the shore,
made of the purest silver. Nothing impure could stand this light...
Mathias looks in silent wonder at the angel for a long moment. He steps
from the boat and walks towards it, accepting.
Charys says "Welcome Mathias."
Charys says "I am Lady Charys, ruler of this Realm."
Mathias drops to one knee and bows his head. "Greetings Lady Charys."
As you approach, the angel appears taller and taller until it is twice
the height of a crinos. Staring at it makes you blink as if it were the
sun, but the light is the cold light of the moon.
Charys says "You have survived the test of Erebus and learnt its secret -
shall I say it for your conscious mind to know?"
Mathias nods once. "Please speak it, Lady Charys. That I shall remember
the words as well as the lesson."
Charys says "Erebus cannot heal you. Erebus can purify the body, bringing
you to the brink of atonement, but it cannot heal. Each who suffers the
tests must forgive themselves, and break free of their dark emotions,
and close the holes in their own spirit. Ultimately, you have redeemed
Mathias nods slowly once again and looks up at the shining light. "I
understand. I shall remember. May I ask a question of you, Lady Charys?"
Charys says "You may ask any question, for you are my guest until you
feel ready to leave. I have one final gift for you, but first ask."
You say "The girl. Veronica. Will she be safe? I feel responsible
for her."
Charys raises one hand and touches your cheek, raising your face to meet
her eyes. "She was your redemption. But she had already gone before you
knew she existed.
A series of images flash past you... blood everywhere, human... pill
bottle... long slashes along the inner wrist..... "No More"
Mathias staggers at the images, comprehension dawning. He stumbles back,
the tide of emotion far more than he is accustomed too. "Gone. She.." He
shakes his head, tears in his eyes. "She never understood. Never had the
chance to know." He swallows, more shaken by her death than any other
he has witnessed.
Charys nods. You may have been mistaken, but you suspect a single silver
tear runs down her face and disappears.
Mathias swallows again and shakes his head. "I will not forget her." A
whispered vow. He looks up at Lady Charys again. "I am sorry."
Charys nods again, accepting fate. "My realm is not the most hospitable
to travellers, but you may stay as long as you wish. Or you may leave
now if you wish, and I can send you to your pack.
Mathias nods slowly. "I should return. I fear there is little more I am
able to do here." He turns to look behind him briefly then looks back
at her. "I will remember your realm as vividly as I shall remember you,
Lady Charys. I hope that others may understand."
Charys shakes her head. "You will not remember, not clearly. Even now,
the pain fades to memories and knowledge, as it should. For you could not
continue with such a scar across your soul, as necessary as the surgery
was. But you shall carry one small part with you." She reaches forward
and touches your forehead again and something flows from her to you,
sinking into your unconsciousness.
Charys closes her eyes and you sense her attention is elsewhere for
a time.
Charys says "Three of your pack walk the space between worlds, but the
rest are scattered. I can rejoin you with these three easily and now if
you wish."
Mathias gasps aloud at the touch, eyes closing then opening again. "Space
between worlds?" Slowly he nods. "They will know where the others are."
Charys says "Take my hand, and close your eyes."
Mathias reaches out without hesitation to take Charys's hand. He closes
his eyes and waits.
The world twists about you and you feel yourself moving....

May, 2000

A couple of weeks after he returns to Melbourne, Mathias is driving somewhere in a car at night when the radio pipes up with "This request is for Christopher's friend Mathias, who has only just returned from a long trip overseas...

After the song is finished Mathias realises that the back door isn't shut properly, although he's sure he shut it before....

Tuesday 11th July, 2000

Dominique rings Mathias from Rippling Waters and says that although she went to the caern yesterday and stayed overnight, she got a lift back to her cottage this morning and found an answering machine message from about 10.30 this morning. It was presumably from Jordan, and said "Dominique, I'm guessing that that child is not Mathias', or you wouldn't be staying at the lovely Fianna caern. But it should have been, shouldn't it. Nevermind, I'm sure I can be the father that he could never be; after all, family must protect family."

She passed the essence of the message along to Mae Fischer, who investigated (with her investigating feet) and who found that the call had come from a pay phone. In Warnabool. Mathias says they will come out as soon as they can.

Sunday 13th August, 2000

Mathias is kicking back in the caern when a raven spirit lands next to him. Despite fears that it was calling in the debt, and conversations about firstborn, the raven simply tells him that others of his tribe await him and want him to come. Mathias hums and hars, then decides to follow.

Much travelling through the Umbra until they come to a park. Its about 10pm by this point, and in the Umbra the park is eerily lit by the nearly full moon. The raven leads him to a pagola kind of thing which looks very Greek - maybe its just the spiritual reflection. Mathias walks up and finds that there are 5 hooded figures in the shadows of the structure. One speaks, a male voice, and asks if he is Mathias Rourke of the Shadowlords. After a brief hestitation, Mathias agrees. The figure says that they are here to offer him a sort of membership in a group that believes in testing - testing themselves against the darkness - to prove themselves. The figure says that they know that he has been to Erebus, and know a little of what he has done in the time since, and regard him as a prime candidate for their group. Mathias senses wyrm and finds absolutely none - not on him, them or the area. This is a bit chilling. They explain that if he chooses to join them, a mentor will come and instruct him - perhaps there will be a test of worthiness, it is up to his mentor. Mathias says that he is interested, but not sure he should trust them. The figure he is speaking to lifts a hand out of their cloak, revealing an iridescent sheen, much like Mathias' from Erebus... He says that he is tentatively interested, and they say that someone will contact him soon. He goes.

Friday 25 August, 2000

Mathias is sitting in a train carriage. The train is moving through suburbia, and it feels familiar without being anywhere in particular that he knows. There is only one other person in the carriage, in the seat next to him - a thin man in a suit. He is reading a paper, so Mathias can't see his face.

The man folds up the paper and Mathias sees that he is about 40, with dark hair and a beard. The man looks at him for a moment, and then speaks: "Consider this - if you stand facing the darkness, protecting the light, what is the evil that you face?". The train goes into a tunnel and things quickly fade to dark.

Sunday 27 August, 2000

Mathias is sitting and watching kids on a suburban playground. A young girl with a skipping rope heads towards him, grabbing the rope and walking the last few steps. She looks at him with eyes much older than her face and asks in a little girl voice "What is your answer?"

Mathias says "The shadow of ourselves" and the girl nods. "And the second half of the riddle: How may you not thusly add to the darkness, yet still fulfill your duty to the light? You have a week to consider." The dream fades.

Time passes, and in another dream, Mathias answers "to become the light". This appears to not be the answer that the dreamer was looking for.

Thursday 7th October,2000

While discussing the Watcher's story, Mathias feels a presence at his shoulder. It is Vlad, who tells Mathias to follow him away from the others. Vlad rather bluntly puts it forward that it is not in the Shadowlords' best interest to have the Council probing into tribal matters. He points out that Holistic Approach have, with the addition of Kimu to their pack, been given an effective mandate from the council to investigate Bunyip matters. As such, they could challenge Tjinderi to reveal what she knows - the Council is saved from having to intervene while still presenting an intimation of having some say in the matter. Mathias agrees to bring the suggestion to his pack and moves back to them.

Monday 16th October, 2000

Mathias drives out to the Dandenong Mage house. He is at a distance that it is an effort to listen to his pack, so he is happy to let it drop back to just an empathic thing. The house is as it always is - slightly longish grass, beaten up car, locked gates. He has a poke around inside, but can't sense anything new, and no new insights strike him. Mathias is locking the gates up when a voice behind says "Good afternoon Mr Rourke". Turning around, Mathias is face to face with Sullivan Dane. Oh.

Mathias is fairly polite, and Dane stays the same. Dane is suprised to see him at a site of such evil, indicating the house. This sort of sets the tone of the discussion. Dane says that he is concerned about their ongoing presence in a battle between good and evil (he's good :)). He doesn't sense them as being evil, but neither are they obviously pure - he's also concerned that they also seem to be involved in events that he should professionally pursue. He tells Mathias that he knows Lalor and Brighton were in Gippsland, and he presumes that Rourke was too. He was called in due to the Occult nature of the incident. He found that Lalor's given address was false - as did the constabulary in general - and points out that that is yet another offense. Mathias explains about the ... influence over Drake's Rill. Dane says that he sensed something, and Mathias drops some indirect hints about Ademko. Dane asks why they were there, and Mathias is honest, saying that they were looking for an artifact to help them fight the good fight, but were unsucessful. Dane asks him about the artifact with an odd expression, but Mathias is forced to admit a lack of knowledge. Mathias says that the church was the centre of the evil influence, and they ... er, dispersed it.

Dane and Mathias then discuss metaphysics. Dane appears to have a binary worldview (good/evil) and the mages are evil. The garou (not that he calls them that) don't appear to be evil to him, and always seem to be the victims in various unusual crimes. On the otherhand they don't seem holy either. Dane removes his ubiquitous gloves to demonstrate burn scars as evidence of interacting with the mages before - he says that he has been pursuing them for 15 years. Previously the magi were in Brazil. This is news to Mathias on both counts. Mathias says that they are also opposed to the Evil ones and their demons, and wish to see their scourge removed, so they have that in common. Frankly Dane doesn't seem convinced - it is his duty as a police officer to chase them down if they are breaking the law, and his moral duty as a crusader (not Crusader) to destroy them if they are evil, and he isn't convinced either way. In the end, Dane says that he needs to see some evidence of their commitment in some fashion or another, and that if he does not, he will be forced to take steps. They swap mobile phone numbers and seperate.

Monday 22

Mathias returns Dane's call. Dane seems unimpressed at the long silence after their last meeting, and isn't shy about saying so. He points out that it is only against his better judgement that he hasn't called down the authorities on Mathias and his associates, so Mathias had better produce a few examples of his good faith. Mathias asks what sort of thing, and Dane asks for more information about exactly they were doing at Drake's Rill.

Mathias explains that they had a tip off about a useful artefact. Dane pushes him, and Mathias says that they were told that it was called the Chandeen Mirror, but he doesn't know if it was a proper mirror or something more symbolic. Dane pushes on the item, and Mathias says that they are not sure what it does, but the tippee seemed to indicate it would let them look into the place where the demons come from and maybe track the magi that way. Dane asks a few more questions and Mathias is fairly forthcoming. Dane seems satisfied, but says that he will need more - in the end, he wants to know all about Mathias and his associates, or he will be forced to class them on the side of the Evil Ones. Mathias protests a bit, but not very forcefully. Dane hangs up.