Action Glory Honour Wisdom
The Litany
Bearing Metis cub-7-3
Fathering Metis cub-5-2
Ignoring wyrm existence-2-2
Ignoring wyrm spread-3-2-4
Deliberately violating territory-5-2
Not accepting honorable surrender-2-7-2
Not submitting to higher station-3
Withholding the first of the kill for yourself-2
Withholding the first of the kill for another-1
Consuming the flesh of kin-6-3
Abusing others of Gaia-4
Protecting the Veil 4
Harming/rending the Veil (leaving hard evidence) -5
Repairing the Veil (covering up an instance that could reveal the Garou) 31
Being a drain on
Refusing a honorable challenge-2
Challenging a decision during war-2-4-2
Violating a caernAll.
Permitting a caern to be deliberately violated
Permitting a caern to be violated through ignorance
Failing to prevent a caern from being violated
Keeping a caern safe from humans through trickery or negotiation 4
Helping to prevent a caern from being overrun by the Wyrm34
Died while defending a caern (posthumous)55
Single-handedly preventing a caern from being taken by the Wyrm55
Besting someone (including a spirit) in a riddle contest 3
Showing restraint in the face of certain death 1 3
Ending a threat without serious harm to any Garou 5
Attacking a much more powerful force without aid -3
Attacking a dangerous opponent without regard to personal safety3
Winning a battle...
...without a single other Garou being hurt+1
...without being damaged or hurt in the process+1
...the minions were armed with silver weapons+1
Earning a battle scar1
Earning a battle scar and healing it immediately-2
Healing a battle scar at a later date-1
Against the Wyrm
Surviving any toxic waste attack2
Defeating a minor minion of the Wyrm (a Kalus, Bane-infested animal, a neonate vampire)2
Defeating an average minion of the Wyrm (a Blight Child, fomor, an average vampire)3
Defeating a strong minion of the Wyrm (a Psychomachiae, a Black Spiral Dancer, an ancilla vampire)5
Defeating a very powerful minion of the Wyrm (a Nexus Crawler, a higher rank Black Spiral Dancer, an elder vampire)7
...destroying/killing the minion+1
Against the Weaver
Defeating a minor minion of the Weaver (a Kalus, Bane-infested animal, a neonate vampire)1
Defeating an average minion of the Weaver (a Blight Child, fomor, an average vampire)2
Defeating a strong minion of the Weaver (a Psychomachiae, a Black Spiral Dancer, an ancilla vampire)4
Defeating a very powerful minion of the Weaver (a Nexus Crawler, a higher rank Black Spiral Dancer, an elder vampire)7
Detecting the Wyrm
Revealing, with certain proof, that a human or kinfolk is "of the Wyrm" 2
Falsely accusing humans of being "of the Wyrm" -1-1
Falsely accusing Kinfolk of being "of the Wyrm" -2-3
Revealing, with certain proof, that an area or object is "of the Wyrm" 3
Falsely accusing an area or object of being "of the Wyrm" if that item is the responsibility of other Garou -3-3
Revealing, with certain proof, that a Garou is "of the Wyrm" 6
Falsely accusing a Garou of being "of the Wyrm" -5-4
Purifying a Wyrm-tainted object. person or place 2
Spirit Interaction
Summoning an Incarna avatar 2
Summoning an Incarna for no good reason-3
Dealing with a spirit rather than binding it1
Knowing and offering correct chiminage before being asked.
dealing generously
Helping another fulfill an agreement with a spirit1
Breaking an agreement with a spirit-3-2
Releasing a spirit from taboo-induced slumber1
Causing a spirit to fall into Slumber-1
Completing chiminage quest1+1+
Releasing a spirit from unjust bondage (including fetishes)21
Binding a spirit to an inappropriate task-2-1
Binding an inappropriate spirit to a task-1-1
Traveling to any Umbral Realm and surviving3
Succesfully completing a spirit quest in the Umbra 3
Failing to Succesfully complete a spirit quest in the Umbra -3
Prophecy and Oracles
Having and properly following a prophetic dream 5
Following another's prophetic dream 2
Consulting an oracle and successfully interpreting its advice 2
Giving a prophetic warning that later comes true 5
Giving a prophetic warning that does not come true-4
Ignoring omens, dreams and the like for no good reason (ie: they may be of the Wyrm) -3
Discovering Lost Lore
Discovering a talen 1
Discovering mystic lore2
Discovering ancient Garou lore 13
Discovering a Pathstone 3
Discovering a fetish 4
Discovering an ancient caern that was lost 37
Binding "inappropriate" items to oneself through Talisman Dedication -2
Spending a year in ritual seclusion (fasting, meditation, etv) 5
Performing a Moot Rite 2
Refusing to perform a Moot Rite when asked -3
Missing a Moot Rite -1
Performing the Rite of Passage 21
Receiving a Rite of Wounding2
Performing a Rite of Caern Building357
Participating in a Rite of Caern Building53
Participating in a successful Great Hunt rite3
Participating in a failed Great Hunt rite-2
Suffering the Rite of Ostracism-1-7-1
Suffering the Stone of Scorn -8-2
Suffering the Rite of the Jackal-2-7
Suffering a Satire Ritelose one Rank and all temporary renown
Performing a Punishment Rite 2
Performing a Punishment Rite unjustly (botching) -5-2
Refusing to participate in a rite -1
Giggling, joking or otherwise being disrespectful during a rite -1 to -5
Learning a new rite 1 / level
Discovering/creating a new rite 5
Discovering/creating a new Gift 7
Fetishes and Talens
Creating a talen 1
Creating a talen frivolously-1
Using a fetish for the good of the sept or tribe 2
Using a fetish for selfish reasons only -2
Creating a fetish 4
Owning a klaive (awarded once; only after three moons of use)11
Owning a Grand Klaive (awarded once; only after three moons of use)32
Sacrificing a fetish for the good of the sept of tribe 22
Accidentally breaking a fetish or talen -1 to -5
Accidentally breaking or losing a klaive -3-4
Helping a Caern Elder in their caern duties 1
Helping guard a caern 1
Staying at your post when on caern watch, even when tempted not to 21
Not staying at your post when on caern watch -3
Not helping guard a caern, even when asked -3
Garou Interaction
Teaching other garou
Mundane matters
Umbral/Spirit matters
Garou lore
Tribal lore
to level 4
to level 5
Learning the Silver Record, completely (a lifetime's work) 78
For a homid Garou, surviving to age 75 810
For a lupus Garou, surviving to age 65 810
For a homid, ignoring one's wolf nature for too long -3
Ignoring one's wolf nature
Not gone to lupus at least 1/month
Attempting to solve garou-related problem alone
For a metis, attempting to hide one's deformity -3
For a lupus, using too many human tools and other Weaver things -1
Packs and Septs
You are pack leader (awarded once when position gained) 3
Living alone, without one's pack, except for ritual reasons -3
Performing regular duties and chores for the sept (gained at monthly Moot Rite) 1
Failing to perform regular dutis and chores for the sept (subtracted at monthly Moot Rite) -2
Serving in any sept position (ie: Caern Warder, Master of the Rite, Master of the Challenge)131
Refusing any sept position-1-2-1
Loyal service to a sept (gained once/year)121
Loyal service to a tribe (gained once/year)131
Participating in a just challenge12
Participating in an unjust challenge -3
Challenging someone too far above or too far below your Rank -3
Giving good advice 2
Giving bad advice -2
Mediating a dispute fairly and impartially 3
Mediating a dispute unfairly (eg: for the benefit of one particular side) -3-1
Mediating a dispute for the benefit of yourself -4-2
Keeping one's promises 2
Failing to keep one's promises -3
Being truthful 2
Being truthful in the face of extreme adversity 5
Being deceptive -3
Being deceptive in the face of extreme adversity -1
Any time trickery backfires -2
Telling a good story (3+ successes on both rolls)11
at a moot
that is repeated by others (4+ success on both)
Being a braggart (botching the roll while telling one's own story)-1-1
Telling an epic that is entered into the Silver Record346
Attempting to act openly outside one's auspice, openly (depends on circumstances) -1 to -5
Speaking without permission at a moot -1
Speaking poorly of the Garou as a whole -2
Speaking poorly of one's auspice -4
Speaking poorly of one's pack -5
Speaking poorly of another tribe -6
Crying Wolf (summoning the Ahroun when of a sept when there is no real and present danger) -5
Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime (who is later proven innocent) 5
Supporting an innocent who is later proven guilty -4
Showing mercy to a wayward Garou 3
Protecting a helpless Garou 4
Finding a lost cub 32
Not protecting a helpless Garou -5
Death while defending your pack46
Death in sacrifice to Gaia77
Character suffered a Berserk frenzy -1
Character suffered a fox frenzy-1 -1
Character suffered a fox frenzy, abandoning his pack in need -1-2
Character suffered a Berserk frenzy and injured fellow Garou -3
The character was in thrall of the Wyrm -4
The character performed a heinous act or acts while in thrall of the Wyrm -6
Kin Interaction
Protecting a helpless human 2
Not protecting a helpless human -1
Harming a helpless human -2
Protecting a helpless lupus (wolf, dingo) 5
Not protecting a helpless lupus -6
Maintaining good relations with nearby Kinfolk 2
Having poor relations with nearby Kinfolk -3
Choosing a mate and breeding (when child born) 3
Choosing a mate, but not breeding (per year) -1
Honourably mated (per year) 2
Dishonourably mated (per month) -1
Tribe Considerations
Black Furies
Protection penalities -1 for women, +1 for men.
No awards for defeating the Weaver.
All Elder-interaction losses +1
Any human-interaction is +1 to reward and -1 to penalities
Children of Gaia
All glory awards at -1
All Elder-interaction losses +1
Black Furies