Callista/Caleb (Basillia/Basil)

13th generation Ventrue

AgeReal 32, apparent 28

Your parents were believers in true love, free love, peace, harmony, the end of the Vietnam war, and the end of all conflict. You were born in a 20 person commune near Monbulk, and were initially christened Starhope. However, the birth certificate says Basil/Basillia, which is just so much worse.

Your creativity and interest in occultism and spiritualism were flames fanned by your parents. You believe that almost anything is true - you are renowned for saying "All beliefs have at least a core of truth". School passed in a blur, you could never seem to remember all those numbers and dull details. Somehow you ended up the editor of a widely read magazine about all the truths that modern society refuses to accept. No one really minded when you filled out the content of the issue with your own articles - a number of people congratulated you on your insight.

When the Masters came, you realised that you had spoken truth, and they would now initiate you into the deeper Mysteries. Finding out what was really in store was somewhat disappointing to say the least.

The Ventrue were merely looking for someone with enough knowledge of the spurned beliefs to grab as much cash from the gullible, and as much influence from the Tremere, as they possibly could. Bloodbound to the Prince, you have been forced to set up toll free Psychic Dialins, pervert the astrological truths in newspapers and magazines, gain influence amongst the commercial businesses who sell to the enlightened, and other low acts. Fortunately, you've been able to keep this secret from your mortal associates. A core group of your followers form your herd, and they are the only ones you can feed from - you could never take from the unwilling.

You have a lot in common with Jessamy, from Clan Tremere. Both of you are True Believers, bound in servitude to your unfeeling elders. Jessamy has promised to teach you some thaumaturgy in exchange for your help in researching how to break your blood bounds, and for your followers help with some rituals that need multiple participants. To date you have had no success with learning Thaumaturgy - Jessamy still searches for the tomes from which he learnt.


Your closest friend and confidant.
You don't think Lucas is as money-grubbing as the rest of the Ventrue, but he certainly shows no signs of trying to throw off their yoke.
Gerald/Geraldine has been sent to organise everyone to sort out the problem, but you suspect that he has another agenda. If something were to happen to him, it would be sad... but quite useful.
Another in chains of bondage to the evil of Clan Ventrue, Matthew/Matilda needs to be rescued - maybe this lull is your chance.
The only time you met Pavel, it was terrifying. He raved about voices in his head and made veiled references to unspeakable knowledge. You would prefer to keep your distance.

Image: A long green cloak, with hood. Flowing, puffy shirts, floppy loose pants. Many amulets and symbols made of silver and mystic tattoos from your mortal days. You know many things, and this knowledge gives you an air of importance and mystery. You must consider the weight of your words before pronouncing them - knowledge is dangerous, afterall.
