
13th generation Brujah

"Damn. Thinking out loud again......"

You look big and scary now but you used to be one of those weedy mortal kids everyone used to beat up. So you took up every martial art you could find and became a champion in record time. That's why the Brujah recruited you, for your amazing fighting skills. But to you the fight isn't the be all and end all. You much prefer to contemplate the philosophy behind it all, what drives people to violence, how to balance mind and body, and how to achieve enlightenment through meditation. There's an awful lot to think about and you are a little bit, well, slow in the brains department. But it doesn't matter, after all you have eternity for contemplation so what's the big hurry. Hurrying leads to rash decisions, rash decisions lead to mistakes and mistakes lead eventually to chaos. Chaos may be the natural state of the universe but it makes it bloody hard to think about stuff and become enlightened.

That is what is so annoying about everyone's powers going missing. Chaos everywhere and no-one is trying to keep the balance. Especially those bloody Malkavians, they are always disrupting things. You are pretty sure they are behind all this, its just the sort of thing they'd do to get at people and mess with the establishment.


People you know:

Lenore / Lawrence
A musician. You don't really have a huge amount in common but they see their music as a meditation of a sort. That makes them good in your book.
Not really a member of any clan you can easily identify this one has made their mark by constantly trying to break things which is not a state of mind that encourages inner peace. You'd be much happier without their nasty influence around.