
13th generation Caitiff


Smash the state! Keep back - deconstruction! Danger, falling rocks!

You'd guess your Sire was a Brujah, but you're not entirely sure. You've never formally met them, after that one rather messy interlude in Port Melbourne. Things have sort of turned out for the better from your point of view anyway. What your Sire may have mistaken for revolutionary zeal was just the joy of watching something - anything - teat itself to pieces in a kind of energerised death throe.

Now, as kindred, you get to really cause stuff to destroy itself - ok sometimes, it needs a little judicious help - but things like complex machinery, buildings, relationships, psyches, they all come apart with such a delicious sense of excitement.

Your favorite targets are those things that clear the way for something new to take their place - once a building is torn down, people tend to build a new one that might get torn down too.

You're fairly sure that if some of what you do came to the attention of the Prince, your time on this earth would be fairly short, so you do exercise some caution in your behaviour. Leave no evidence is a bit of a catch phrase for you.

While the Elders are all hiding, you have a chance to cause some real chaos. The funnest way is by seeming to help someone out - tell them stuff, true or otherwise, and let their natural inclinations take over. There are also some special projects you have in mind while no one is watching - you've heard that Diablerie destroys a soul, but you've never had the chance to confirm it.

People you know..

Looooooooooooooooooooser. Max fights for calm, and for coherency. Shit, someone watched a little too much Kung Fu in their youth.
Neat pics. And doesn't go spastic when they are destroyed either, except if its by that twerp Jo. One of your current projects is tagging Fergus' stuff with Jo's and vice versa. Its only a matter of time.
Someone who really knows how to kick up their heels and have a ball. When you've not much else to do, you tend to hang with them - they always know the most awesome parties.
Danger - the Prince's representative, Gerald/Geraldine will be reporting back to his nibs... unless he never makes it back.

Image: Your eyes glow, and you're almost always having a great time - lookit all them run when you kick the nest. Dirty shirts, torn blue jeans, sneakers.
