
MURP Delta Green Game

Letter of Reprimand. Federal Beurea of Investigation
Pheonix Arizona Field Office

MEMORANDUM FOR: Agent Judy Margolis

FROM: Assistant Director Robert Pearson.

SUBJECT: Letter of Reprimand.

AUTHORITY: 10 D.O.J. 8013 PURPOSE: To obtain any comments or documentation you desire to submit (on voluntary basis) for consideration concerning this action.

ROUTINE USES: Provides you an opportunity to submit comments or documentation for consideration. If provided, the comments and documentation you submit become a part of the action.

DISCLOSURE: Your written acknowledgement of receipt and signature are mandatory. Any other comment or document you provide is voluntary.

I have been informed that you were disrespectful to SAIC Hobson, who is your superior, by referring to him by his first name in an insulting fashion and generally putting forward an air of aggression and hostility while speaking to him on the telephone. The disrespectful conduct occurred on or about 5:00 pm on 02 August 1998.

I will not tolerate any subordinates acting disrespectfully toward their superiors. Your flagrant disrespect on this occasion has had an adverse impact on the state of discipline within this organization. Such a conscious flouting of authority cannot be condoned in any goverment organization and certainly will not be treated lightly in this case.

You will acknowledge receipt and return this letter to me within 3 workdays of your receipt. Any comments or documents you wish to be considered concerning this letter of reprimand will be included with your response.

This letter will be retained in your personnel file for not more than 24 months and may be taken into consideration in any future issues of misconduct.

Assistant Director Robert Pearson
Pheonix Arizona Field Office.

TO: Assistant Director Robert Pearson

Acknowledge receipt. I have/have not attached written matters.

Recipient's Signature:

Social Security Number:

Please sign this page to indicate that you have received the attached letter and return it, along with any relevant information within 3 working days.

Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is ™ and © the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are © Tim Betz;, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.